Hold on tight, I have a tale of mystery, foreboding and suspense for you all this Saturday morning.
This story I am about to share will make Roy Croppers shenanigans in Corrie seem like a kids fairy tale.
(Ok, I might be building this up to something it’s not, but I’m taking some dramatic licence!)
First of all, do you believe in ghosts? Cos’ I’m beginning to think that the H household might have a resident ghoul, who has a very funny sense of humour. In the mischievous sense.
Lately, things seem to go missing in our home. I had put this down to the fact that as the H house is run by a 3 1/2 year old and 20 month old (Mr H and I only pretend to be in control) that the smallies are hiding things on their Mama.
For the craic.
So that while Im running around the house looking for my phone, keys, remote control, book, sanity they are free to get up to whatever mischief that takes their fancy while I’m otherwise preoccupied.
Evil genius’s.
But now, there have been a few incidents that no matter how hard I try I cannot lay the blame at their tiny, cute feet. For eg our car sat nav is gone. For the life of me I cannot work out how/where it disappeared to. We’ve had no break in at home or in the car. But overnight it just disappeared.
Then recently we have had the mystery of the missing sandals. Annie, my best friend had been visiting with her gorgeous children and when packing to go home, a new pair of very pretty sandals belonging to her daughter had gone missing. Cue much tearing of the house apart by all but no matter where we looked they had simply vanished into thin air.
I promised I would continue search after they left and sandals would be found. By hook or by crook! So next day I swept, hoovered, mopped every floor. Reorganised the playroom. Sorted through the hot press, all in all a day of domestic bliss (yeah right) of which I was sure, the sandals would appear. But nope, not a sign of them, nada, although fairs fair, I did manage to find €5.64 and two juicy tube lip glosses down the sofa.
About a week later we awoke and what was sitting in the middle of the floor in the office, bold as brass? Only the missing feckin sandals. Spotless I might add so whomever had been using them wasn’t jumping in any muddle puddles or the like.
And just this week we have had a real puzzler. Mr H and I had a 24 hour trip to the UK and the evening before our flight we went to ‘the drawer’, the holder of all important documents including passports. And Mr H’s passport was missing. More tearing of the house apart searching for it and eventually when all avenues for possible location of passport were exhausted, we fell into bed with the realisation that the trip to the UK was in jeopardy.
The next morning I get up, despondent, walk to ‘The Drawer’ and whats sitting on top of drawer, minding its own business, only the fecking passport!
Now both Mr H and myself had searched said drawer several times each. So I can honestly say it wasn’t there the night before. How on earth it just reappeared I’ll never know. Either ways, the relief that it turned up was huge. Trip to UK was made and a great time had by all. More on that trip some other time …..
So my conclusion is we’re haunted.
Yep, facts must be faced, the H household has a resident ghost. We do live next door to the local graveyard, so maybe the odd evening the residents there get a little bored and decide to come visit the neighbours.
So do you believe in ghosts? Have you a terrifying tale to share? If you do please share, I’d love to hear!
Have a great weekend,
Carmel xx
Oh that definitely sounds like spiritual shenanigans in wexico. I do believe in spirits as alot of times in life I just have no other explanation for things that happen.
Plenty of stories, but one that completely baffled me was the case of my missing ring (jewellery I may add). We had been at a wedding one day and late into the night. It was quite a distance from home so a group of us hired a bus. I wore a very sentimental expensive ring and when I got up the next morning, I couldn’t find it anywhere. I had left my jewellery on the dresser and me nor my hubby could remember me taking ring off. I searched everywhere, rang bus company, hotel, but to no avail. I was distraught as it was passed onto me with a lot of history behind it. I prayed hard that it would turn up and months later, I was clearing out my wardrobe, when i decided to clean my handbags. I was sorting through one handbag and could feel something in the bottom but couldn’t get at it. I thought maybe there was a rip in it and money (wishful thinking) had fallen through rip. Curiousity got he better of me so i got scissors and cut a piece in lining and what was in it only my precious opal ring. Bizarre. There was no tear in lining and no explanation of how it could have got in there, plus it wasnt a bag I had used in a very long time. So yep, I do believe in spirits or ghostly happenings.
I am glad to hear the ghost kindly allowed Mr. H to join you on ur UK trip 🙂
Denise, that’s crazy. And it wasn’t a handbag you were using for the wedding? At least the ghost had a change of heart and returned the ring! X
No, it was a handbag I hadn’t used in a long time. Totally bizarre. lol
That’s uncanny Denise!
That’s a better explanation than the one where you were so flustered, you could see straight!
True Derv!
It appears that you have a household spirit who likes to play tricks on you. Love the cartoon!
Oh wow. As long as they keep returning the items, I’m happy for them to stick around! 🙂
Brilliant story Carmel so bizarre!! Well you know my view on spirits and things that go bump in the night after many a chat!! Love this topic as you know but would be afraid to mention any incase I may get locked up lol Wow Denise that’s totally weird about your ring delighted you found it:-)
Ha ha Leah, what’s that phrase ‘share don’t scare!’ Well in this case we want to be scared lol, so feel free to tell us your stories of all things ghoul like! 🙂
Oh share with us Leah. I love ghost stories. My Grandad used to tell us loads when we were kids. I loved listening to him.
I “lost” a bracelet before too but it turned up in a cardboard box full of stuff, so could well have just fallen in it.
Haha Carmel, join the club! The same as you with the exception of actually ever finding my lost stuff.
A bracelet I made for a great friend (the kind of Pandora style charm one, with her fave things such as owls and angels, and fave colour) has never turned up after me hiding it putting it somewhere safe. So safe, this Christmas pressie, that two point five Christmasses later it still hasn’t appeared.
Not entirely unknown for me, but I’ve been over and over the place many times what with tidying for visitors, but usually I Eventually find things.
Now this one is far more weird. Like you, I have my beloved iPad, although unlike you I don’t happen to think Apple are geniuses but that’s a discussion for another day! In an instance of now you see me, now you don’t, the plug and usb lead for charging from the mains just disappeared. Vamoosh! Without trace. Without rhyme or reason, having only two places I usually charged it. So. What do we deduce from this?! Breakdown or spirits?!