Hello everyone
I’ve neglected my blog terribly this past week I know, but I have had a really good excuse 😉
I really had no concept of what the reaction was going to be nationally following the press release and I’m so grateful for everyone’s interest in my story.
I started off feeling very nervous doing the radio interviews, but the more I’ve done, the more relaxed I’ve felt and sure I’m like an old pro now! I love radio as a medium, it’s quite relaxing and cosy almost like having a chat with a friend. That’s all down to the lovely presenters who have interviewed me to date though, they have made me feel so at ease.
Seeing all the coverage in the papers has also been both surreal and so exciting! I had hoped, dreamed even that the news of my book deal would create some interest, but this has far exceeded my expectations!
To have both national and local radio and newpapers interested in my story is quite wonderful. And there are more things on the horizon over the next few weeks. I will be doing my first TV interview as I have been booked to appear on TV3’s The Morning Show, which will be on air on 2nd September. I won’t lie, I am a bit apprehensive. With the radio interviews what I wear hasn’t been an issue, but the big question this week from everyone who hears I’m going to be on da tele has been ‘What are you wearing!’ A very good question. A shopping trip is on the horizon methinks. At the very least I need a new frock, no?
As I get the podcasts of the interviews I’ve done, I’m putting them on youtube at the below link. This is for two reasons. 1. I’ve been asked to do so by lots because they have missed the interviews and 2. I need them all together, so that for those moments when I think I have dreamt all of this, I can play snippets and say YES it’s true, I did get a book deal with Harper Collins, HarperImpulse!
Lastly, before I go, for those of you who are on Facebook, put the 12th September in your diary. I will be sending out invites to the virtual publication day party for Beyond Graces Rainbow, to celebrate the release of BGR as an eBook. There will be lots of fun, banter, giveaways & interviews so please pop in to say hi.
If anyone wants to pre-order their copy now, they can do so on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
For those that have already pre-ordered, thank you for your support. I’ve had messages from some who bought the original and have ordered the new Harper Collins version too. That’s more than I ever expected, saying thankyou doesn’t seem quite enough, but I truly am grateful.
Chat soon,
Carmel x
Spin around on the floor and go woop woop woop woop Wooop! in the style of Homer Simpson. Get your kinds to join you so you don’t feel like a fool. You deserve to celebrate.
Thanks Debhile! I think you are right, it does deserve much whooping 🙂
What a lovely post. I hope it is all sinking in, YOU did this (with the help of your very special PA) and whats more is you DESERVE this! See you on the 12th <3
ThanksTanya xxx
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