Over the past year I’ve seen other authors share their ‘Call’ stories and wondered when would I get to do the same. So what’s a call story I hear many of you ask? Basically it’s the tale of how a publisher made their book deal offer to an author. So at last, here’s mine. (Although mine is more of a You’ve Got Mail story!) I’ve dreamed for months now of what that moment could be like for me. Ever since I signed my contract with the Trace Literary Agency I have been a bundle of nervous and excited anticipation, waiting for Tracy my agent to update me on her own submission dances with publishers. Tracy had queried 13 publishers, 13 emails or letters which included alongside my novel Beyond Graces Rainbow all of my writers hopes and dreams. Naively I thought I might have some feedback within a few weeks. Oh foolish and naive me! Months went by and not a murmur from the bakers dozen. I began to have a love/hate relationship with my inbox. Every day I would check my emails at least a dozen times (ok more like two dozen) hoping to see an update from Tracy. Eventually as the weeks went into months, I reckoned a no would be preferable to just getting a big fat nothing! Thankfully a few publishers came back and acknowledged the submission, saying they would get to it in time. Sanity saved in the nick of time. And at least it wasn’t a no. Eventually I received a couple of emails with actual decisions made and even though they were Big Fat No’s, they were the nicest PFO’s I ever received. And I told myself that we all need a few no’s to appreciate the yes’s don’t we? Character building and all that! Some of the PFO comments received were :-
‘the writing and concept are both very strong. However, I find the writing too commercial for my taste.’ ‘while though there is much to like, it is not right for us’ ‘
‘I read BEYOND GRACES’S RAINBOW with great interest and enjoyment. It has a lot going for it and is an accomplished debut.’
‘I wish Carmel the very best of luck it is clear that she is a great writer’
I absolutely loved Carmel’s charming, emotive voice and the story’s premise and would love to chat about this further with you.
I whispered to Mr H, is that an actual offer? Was it a good email? A maybe? Well after careful consideration we decided it wasn’t a bad email, no matter what way we dissected the comments, it certainly looked very positive! Clarifications were requested and shortly afterwards another email was received with this wonderful statement which may have elicited one or two whoops from myself!
I just realised that I didn’t mention in my first e-mail that we would love to offer Carmel a two book contract if you do decide HarperImpulse is the right fit for you.
I cannot describe the pure joy those few words brought to me. And Mr H too, cos’ he’s been right by my side throughout this. So a meeting was duly planned in London with the lovely Charlotte Ledger of Harper Impulse. Tracy (my agent) and myself met her in the elegant and beautiful surroundings of The Lanesborough Hotel in London, and as we sipped tea (as one does in London), I couldn’t help but become excited by both Charlottes vision of how HarperImpulse would market my books and also the vision she had for HarperImpulse in the future. I’ve always been someone who trusted my instincts and pretty much throughout this journey I’ve been on over the past year, it hasn’t let me down. So when another publisher came forward and said they were interested, I decided to continue listening to my gut and with jubiliation and champagne and a few congas danced around our house with the chidren (Mummy’s got a contract, Mummy’s got a contract, la la la la, la la la la!!!) I signed the contract! And that my friends is my Call Email Story! Thanks for reading as always, Chat soon, Carmel x
And here is my lovely book cover! Which I cannot stop looking at, I love it so much! If you would like to read an excerpt of Beyond Graces Rainbow and place a pre-order for it, please go here.
Love it! I haven’t met Charlotte yet 🙁 But she’s so lovely via email, I can’t wait to meet her.
She’s the most lovely person. I trusted her completely.
My ears have gone pink! (They do that when I get embarrassed.) We’ll meet very soon, Teresa. I promise. And it’s very easy to be lovely when I work with such wonderful authors. 🙂
Thank you Charlotte x
Ah, Charlotte, I can’t wait! We are all rather lovely though. We’re a good team. I’m chuffed to bits to be a part of it. 😀
Aww, that’s so lovely! Congratulations! (Also, ever so slightly jealous)
Lucy, you are so lovely! One day, keep believing x
That’s what I tell myself… Can’t wait to read it! Hope you are still on Cloud 9 (but descend every now and then to get some writing done).
Love, love, love this. And can’t wait to sip more tea, or something a little stronger! in the near future!
We had fun didn’t we? Xx
Love it Carmel 🙂
Congratulations!! I can’t wait to see Beyond Grace’s Rainbow in the shops and get my hands on a copy! Well done xx
Thank you so much Paula
Congrats Carmel and welcome to the Harper Impulse family!
Thank you so much Romy.
Love it.. so nice to witness dream turned to reality 🙂 xx
Thank you Denise x
Congratulations! It’s great to read good news. I don’t have an e-reader so hurray that I’ll finally be able to read Beyond Grace’s Rainbow when it’s a book.
Thanks so much Joanna. I’ve not got a date for paperback yet, but I’m assured it will be later this year x I really appreciate all your support always x
That must have been so exciting! Best of luck with the book 🙂
Thank you, yes it really was!
Isn’t it typical that the email you’ve been waiting for comes when you haven’t got a decent internet connection?! A watched kettle as they say….
A lovely call story and congratulations!! I’m looking forward to reading this one, and I do love that cover 🙂
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