Guest Blogger Wednesday – Author AJ Nuest in the hot seat!


Good morning everyone, how are you all today? Sun is shining here in Wexford, but it’s so cold!  Time for winter boots and wolly jumpers my friends.  So, who is ready for a cup of coffee?  Well, why not put the kettle on, get comfy and meet AJ Nuest. Since I started writing I’ve enjoyed connecting with other authors so much.  Writing can be a lonely occupation, spent with just me, my imagination and trusted laptop, so having chats with other authors has stopped me talking to myself like a madwoman!  (no smart comments anyone!)  I’ve not met AJ in person, but I look forward to the day I do, because she simply radiates fun, positivity, joy and kindness.  Oh and I’ll say fun once again, because she always makes me smile.


Hi AJ, thanks for joining me on MrsH’s couch.  Tell me a little about yourself.

I’m a married mom of two kids, an award-winning author and freelance editor, who lives in the middle of a cornfield in NW Indiana. My adoring husband, two beautiful children and a bevy of spoiled pets have agreed to stay and, in exchange for laundry service and three meals per day, inhabit the walls of my lunacy. The cat and I are currently vying for dictatorship. The cat is winning.  

What you are telling me that not only do you write, but you do the laundry and cook too? Overachiever!!!!  Tell us what do you write?  When did you start?

I started writing about five years ago, after my youngest started Kindergarten. My first manuscript was typed on a old broken laptop, the screen propped up by a cereal box or it fell flat to the table. I write romance across a variety of genres and have, so far, been published in western, contemporary, and fantasy romance. I’m in the process of plotting a romantic suspense which my agent is hoping to pitch next year, and I’ve also got a completed edgy inspirational that is patiently awaiting my attention. I hope to have that published next year as well.

Wow, you really do dip your toe in quite a few genres.  I love fantasy, so really look forward to reading that genre of yours in particular!  So of the characters you have created through writing, which one is your favourite and why so?

My most favorite character is Immanuel Emery Diller from my edgy inspirational novel entitled Flicker. He’s in his early 70’s and is sort of a combination between Mary Poppins and The Wizard of Oz. In the story, he befriends my heroine and adds a moral compass to her life. He’s the kind of guy I would love to just sit and talk with for hours. We would share a beer as I asked him about the meaning of life and his take on theoretical physics vs. faith…and Iman would no doubt offer up some eye-opening answers. The only problem is that he is a LOT smarter than me, so writing his scenes were always tough, tough, tough. Because I’m very attached to this story, I haven’t found the right publisher for it yet. I may end up self-publishing it in the end, because I don’t want anyone messing with it. LOL. I heard a saying once that each author has within themselves one great story of the heart. Flicker is mine. 🙂

First of all, Immanuel Emery Diller, what a fantastic name!  That sounds like such a wonderful story and one I look forward to reading.  I feel nostalgic for my childhood all at once with the mere mention of Mary Poppins and The Wizard of Oz.   What are you working on right now AJ?

I’m currently working on the fourth and final installment of my fantasy series entitled The Golden Key Chronicles, which was contracted earlier this year by HarperImpulse UK! Whoo Hoo! Working on it is a total thrill for me because writing a fantasy series completes the fulfillment of one of my life-long dreams. And to have the backing of a Big Six publisher? There truly is nothing better.

I’m so happy that you are on the HarperImpulse team!  I cannot wait to read The Golden Key Chronicles, I know it will be right up my particular fantasy street.  By the way, I love your blog, so please tell everyone about it!

Yep, I sure do blog. And I love it. 🙂 You can visit AJ’s Tattered Pages at

As for what visitors might find? I host author interviews and guest bloggers a lot in an effort to introduce my readers and writing pals to new authors. I also hold contests/giveaways and use the space for announcements. I’ve also stood on my soapbox a few times about certain industry news that may have ruffled my feathers. And every once in a while I spice things up with some man candy. LOL There really is no subject I won’t broach.

AJ would you share a sample of your writing?

I’d love to. This is a bit from the second book of my fantasy series, entitled Candra’s Freedom. In it, my hero is returning home aboard a ship after being imprisoned in a dungeon for two years.

And what of his love? Did she hasten to greet him as well?

Then a bright star amid a sea of silver and blue crested the ridge. His pulse thundered and he gritted his teeth in expectant hope. If his eyes did not deceive him, his lady rode Belial, a devilish white stallion that had thrown and all but trampled a dozen of his men. A falcon circled overhead, riding the same draft that toyed with the folds of her ivory gown.

What boon was this? Did she hold sway over wild beasts? To learn as much would not surprise him, for she had tamed his heart as well.

He tracked her slow descent down the rocky slope. Even across the leagues she glowed like a bright flame, beckoning him near. At long last she was almost within reach. How his arms ached to hold her, his tongue starved to taste the supple curve of her throat. Longing tightened his groin when he envisioned their time alone. He would chase away her fears and fill her with blissful tides of their love-making. Together they would explore each other’s deepest desires. And Helios save the man who dared intervene. For this solemn oath he foreswore. Never again would he be ripped from her side.

Ok, all of a sudden, the hotseat in Mrsh’s house is getting hot!!!   Would you consider self-publishing?

Yep, I sure would and probably will head into this arena at the beginning of the new year. I’m considering self-publishing Flicker as a serial, with installments delivered to the reader on a monthly basis. Because of the way the story is written—flipping back and forth through time—I think it would be a great way to make the story available for my readers.

That’s a great idea about doing Flicker in installments.  Love that! Each installment could have a new piece of wisdom from Iman!  So give me 3 words to describe your best self and 3 words to describe your worst self.

Best:  Energetic, Happy and Driven

Worst:  Impatient, Flighty, Insecure

I have to say, happy is a word I would associate with you totally.  And I can see how you would be flighty too!  Interesting to me that nearly all of the authors are insecure in some shape or form.

Right, girls night out, room for 10 in the limo, who are you bringing with you? (Dead, alive, fictional, celebrities, friends, the choice is yours!)

Okay, the first seven names are writing pals of mine—women I would DIE to have this experience with because it would be a complete and total hoot! The last three are my dear friends I’ve known since college. It would no doubt be the best, most-funnest night of my life. LOL


Arial Burnz

Vonnie Davis

Mackenzie Crowne

Sarah Grimm

Naima Simone

Misty Deitz

Tiffany Nordahl

Sara Flogel

Colette Labinski

That sounds like a fun night out, so I’m gatecrashing.  Come to Ireland for it, the craic will be mighty 😉

Speaking of great nights out, describe a perfect day and night for me.

This would be a vacation day with me and my family. Probably somewhere in a national forest preserve or at one of our nation’s historic locations. Think Yosemite National Park or The Grand Canyon. I love, love, love it when we can all be together hiking and exploring the great outdoors. After our day of fun, we would head to a restaurant for dinner where we would laugh and talk about our day, and then home to put the kids in bed, after which mom and dad get to share a glass of wine and some cuddle time.

MrH has a dream to bring all of us to Yosemite National Park for a holiday when the children are a little older.  He has visited there and swears its one of the most beautiful places on earth.  So what are you reading right now? And is it a paper book or ebook?

Okay, ready? Remember, you asked for this.

On my Kindle, I am reading:

Security by Mandy Baggot

The Songbird and the Soldier by Wendy Lou Jones

The Keepers: Archer by Rae Rivers

Goodbye Emily by Michael Murphy

Mad Max, Unintended Consequences by Betsy Ashton

Bitten by Ecstasy by Naima Simone

Hot Water by Maggie Toussaint

Gull Harbor by Kathryn Knight

Cruxim by Karen Cox

The Phantom Lady of Paris by Calvin Davis

On my nightstand in hardcover, I am reading:

The Legend of Drizzt Collector’s Edition by R.A. Salvatore

The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop

In my car, while waiting in line to pick the kids up from school, in hardcover, I am reading:

Kushiel’s Mercy by Jacqueline Carey

On my desktop, I am reading two different stories from critique partners and two additional works by friends.

I told you I was flighty. You didn’t believe me, did you?

You madser!  Love it.  Great books included in your list AJ.  Here’s a question for you, if you could pick any career in the world other than what you do now, what would it be?

If money and time weren’t an object, I’d probably go into forensic science. I’ve always thought it would be really cool to be a police sketch artist…or maybe that person who gets the skull of a deceased person and has to recreate their face either with computer graphics or using clay. It seems fascinating to me and would still be artistic enough to feed my muse.

Do you watch Bones by any chance?  Ok, next question, who would you like to meet most for a chat? Dead or alive. Fictional or real.

I wanna meet Morgan Freeman. I really, really wanna meet that guy. He just seems so darn cool. And his voice…his life experiences and all those fabulous roles he’s played. Everything about him just really draws me in. I’d talk his ear off for hours, no doubt asking all sorts of dumb questions.

Doesn’t he have the best voice in the world.  I could listen to him for hours.  It’s time for a quick fire round, pick one of each of the below!

Beer or cocktails—Vodka, iced and dry with three blue cheese stuffed olives

Jeans or dress—Jeans, studded with lots of sparkly rhinestones and worn with a pair of kick ass cowboy boots.

Sun or Snow—Snow

Beach or Pool—Beach

Cats or Dogs—Both, I can’t choose because I love them both

Theatre or Cinema—I love going to the movies. It’s one of my all-time favorite things. Cinema.

Pink or Green—Green

Night in or night out—Night out only because I never get them

Paperback or eBook—Hard cover book that is about four inches thick, preferably an epic fantasy with a map on the inside flap.

Lobster or steak—Steak, because I’m not one for seafood.

Can’t wait to hear your answer for this one, what is the best compliment anyone could give you?

Oh gosh, this is hard, but I’m gonna go with a recent compliment my husband gave me just because it made my entire week. We recently took a few days off over the Labor Day holiday to spend the weekend camping with friends, one of whom owns a beautiful ski boat. We had great fun going out on the lake one day, watching the kids on the tubes and wakeboards, swimming and laughing and tossing back a few beers. Really, it was just great fun.

When we returned home, my husband casually asked, “How much younger than you were those other women on the boat?”

I shrugged and said, “I don’t know. Ten or fifteen years, maybe?”

He laughed and shook his head. “Well, they got nothing on you. You looked better than all of them.”

If you’re anything like me, you know what happened next. 🙂

Looking at your photograph, I can only concur with your husband, who by the way sounds like the perfect man!

So, that’s the end of my interview with AJ. I told you she was fun didn’t I?  Thank you so much AJ for stopping by.  Can’t wait to read The Golden Key Chronicles, when is the release date? I need to know!

For more on AJ (I know you all want to find out where to buy Candra’s Freedom, here you go!

Chat soon,

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