Best book post ever!
A finished copy of A Thousand Roads Home has arrived in the H house!
You know, I’ve been thinking about Ruth’s character for over a decade, on and off … just waiting for the right story to place her in. She found her way home, if you like, in this book.
It’s an emotional, exhilarating, exciting moment to finally see my words wearing their Sunday best. I LOVE the front and back cover, the front and end matter, I love all of it! So many thanks to the talented team at HarperCollins Publishers UK, especially Charlotte Ledger.
And … drum roll … I can finally reveal who I dedicated A Thousand Roads Home to – my person and best friend, Ann Murphy. The dedication reads …
For Ann Murphy, my person. You’ve been making my life better for nearly thirty years. Thank you.
Keeping this a secret from her is the only thing I’ve ever kept from her in nearly 30 years of friendship.
I had to facetime her in Florida to break the news earlier, as she’s off gallivanting with Mickey Mouse. There were tears!
Another milestone in the life of a book met, my lovely readers. The countdown continues to 18 October!
What a lovely thing to do, and what a way to honour your friendships.