Competition to celebrate the paperback release of Beyond Grace’s Rainbow

Good morning everyone

The sun is shining here in Wexford and excuse the cheesiness of this, (brace yourself), the sun is shining in my heart too!  Sorry, told you it was cheesy, but I’m allowed because today, the 14th November 2013, my book goes on sale in paperback on Amazon, followed closely by landing into some bookstores in Ireland early next week!

banner BGR

I have been so excited by every wonderful review that the eBook readers have given Grace and the gang and continue to be thrilled that the book is doing so well.  If you would like to buy in eBook form, you can do so here!

Today is special though because as it’s in paperback it can reach an audience who do not have an eReader yet. (Hello Mammy & Daddy!!)  I have had so many people ask me about the paperback release, so it’s exciting to share this news today with you all.

If you are in Ireland you can purchase Beyond Grace’s Rainbow in Byrnes Bookstores in Wexford and Enniscorthy & I will be doing a book signing in both their stores on Saturday 23rd November. (Times to be confirmed.)

In addition, I will be a guest at the Strawberry Tea Dance on Sunday 17th November, in Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford between 3 – 5 pm.  Byrnes Bookstores will be there with Beyond Graces Rainbow and I will be giving a little talk, then happily signing copies for anyone who wishes!  I believe there will be music, dancing, cake and drink there and you get me too! Sure what more could you ask for! lol….

I will give you a little giggle here, I was talking to Daddy yesterday and asked him was he coming to the Tea Dance.  His response, ‘Indeed I’m not, Oulart are playing on Sunday, sure I couldn’t miss the match!’  So my feet are firmly on the ground here.  Hurling first!  Book second.  Oulart you better win, is all I’m saying!

Dubray Bookstores will also be stocking in Ireland and they can be located in Blackrock, DunLaoghaire, Grafton Street, Hugh Lane Gallery, Rathmines, Stillorgan, Bray, Kilkenny & Galway. I will be doing booksignings also in Dubrays, but times and dates yet to be confirmed! (Soon!)

And of course don’t worry if you are not in Ireland close to one of the bookstores listed, from today you can pick up your paperback copy online with Amazon here!

So, who would like a little competition to help celebrate?  To win a signed copy of Beyond Grace’s Rainbow, simply ‘Follow’ my blog (Tab at top of page and on left hand sidebar) and leave a comment after this post.

Competition will close on 23rd November.

For those that have already purchased Beyond Grace’s Rainbow (I love you!!!!) please do enter, because if you win, you can gift the book to someone appropriate & I’ll even gift wrap it for you.

Thank you again for all the support, you all rock!!!

Chat soon,

Carmel xxx


  1. all done , followed via email and also twitter and facebook 🙂

  2. Ok at times I feel like your stalker but I mean that in the nicest way tho lol 😉 I follow you on Facebook, email, twitter, blog, (I was even interviewed by you my claim to fame :-)) reposting and spreading all your wonderful news. It’s true nobody deserves this more than you xx

  3. It was a pleasure to meet you at the Festival of Romance. Wishing you lots and lots of success. A genuinely lovely and warm lady. Psst can you pass on any favourite Irish recipes please. Much Love Manda Xxxx (Followed)

  4. so thrilled for you Carmel…….laughed at your Dad’s comment about the match ! X

  5. I am so delighted for you! I was telling my mammy all about the book coming out the other day! (She’s another technophobe without an ereader) I’ve already read BGR in ebook format (twice I might add) but I’m refraining from ordering from Amazon because I want the thrill of walking into a book shop and buying it there. I might not be able to contain myself from telling all around me that ‘I KNOW her!’ Lol! Oooooohhhhh so exciting!!!!! Just need to harass the book shops in Carlow now to stock it!

  6. Just thrilled for you!! Can’t wait to get my copy — I’ll bring it along to Ireland so I can have you sign it! The hurling part is hysterical. Wait til I tell Matt! xx

  7. Great news Carmel! If you’re doing a signing in Dubray books on Grafton street ill make sure to pop down.

  8. Carmel, I ordered in a few books (for christmas gifts) in my local bookshop in West Wicklow. The owner said she was going to order one in for herself as it looked great. I told her she should order a good few in. Wohoo! BTW she could only find it through one of her suppliers and she rang one of her big suppliers wondering why they didn’t have it on their system. No doubt they’ll be looking to supply it after hearing the owner rave about it over the phone. Anyway, I directed her toward your website. Looking forward to reading it.

  9. Congratulations! Can’t wait to get my copy! (Even if I don’t win I shall be downloading one!) Have followed you on twitter as well and if you get a chance, perhaps you’d like to take a peek at my recently published book via my blog: 🙂 All the best! x

  10. following your blog, well done for a start, very inspring to hear women getting great achievements and haveing a family too!, and would love to get a signed copy, and all the proceeds for barnardos too, im looking forward to getting involved on your site, thank you cathy

  11. Would love to read your book, even if I’m not lucky to win your competition it will definitley be put on my Christmas list …. 🙂

  12. Cannot wait to get a signed copy in my hand. See you Sunday xx

  13. Fantastic news Carmel! And love that your Daddy has his priorities so firmly sorted. Big congratulatons! Get your pens ready, enjoy your signings! xx

  14. Hi lovely! I’m sure I already follow your blog. Can’t check as I’m only on my iPhone right now. So proud of you and all you’ve achieved with Grace’s story! Very excited for the next book. Can’t wait to read. Lots of love being sent your way. Emma Louise xx

  15. Hello Carmel, I was at your talk about publishing in the Central Library but didn’t get to peak to you sadly . You have given me a lot to think about and Inspiration to carry on woth my book plans etc . Best of luck with the new book and hope this book sells really well in print too . (its on my Christmas shopping list. PS. Will you be signing the book in Waterford ?

    • Martin, how lovely of you to pop into the blog!
      I really enjoyed that talk, you were all a great group, made me feel very welcome!
      Do keep going with your book and I wish you all the best with it. Keep in touch.
      Oh and If Im going to be in Waterford signing books, I promise to keep the blog updated here with dates.
      Thanks again Martin.

  16. Just finished a book so could do with another good read, fingers crossed!! Sounds like a great read 🙂

  17. So delighted for you Carmel – congratulations!

  18. Hi lovely, so so happy for you. 2013 was a great year for you! Congrats and lots of hugs. Oh, and I’m an old follower:) XX

  19. First of all: congratulations!
    Very lovely giveaway; fingers crossed!

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