The year has flown by. We say it all the time, don’t we? But honestly, it’s so true. It doesn’t feel like a year ago that The Inspiration Project team decided to chronicle our writing lives, each month, along with three other writers in The Inspiration Diaries.
The writers for 2019 are:
Catherine Ryan Howard
Hazel Gaynor
Tric Kearney
Casey King
Clare Daly
Each month, we’ve shared the highs, the lows, the mundane and the frustrating, the exciting and newsworthy moments …
In our December entry (link below) we all took a moment to reflect on our year, sharing our highlights and the lessons learned. You can also play catch up on the previous months if you would like to, by scrolling through the entries. Happy reading!
December: The ghosts of writing pasts, present, and future …