Lori Connelly author of The Outlaw of Cedar Ridge recently asked me to participate in a new feature on her blog, Written Fireside. Basically, alongwith some of my talented HarperImpulse authors we are writing a story round robin style around Lori’s virtual campfire and we will each take turns to add our own voices to the tale.
So why not grab some marshmallows and pull up a seat around my virtual campfire. I may even have some prosecco for us all 😉
Part 1 was written by Lori Connelly, please click here to read. Clara’s tale was continued by Teresa Morgan author of Plus One is a Lucky Number. To read Part 2 please click here.
So now it’s my turn to continue the story that Lori and Teresa beautifully began.
Written Fireside Part 3 by Carmel Harrington
Clara closed her eyes for a moment in an attempt to make sense of the questions that were buzzing in her head.
What did Mark want to talk about? Who the hell had given her the envelope? She was pretty damn sure that it hadn’t been in her pocket this morning. So that meant someone at the funeral service had placed it there. Of course, it had to be Mary. Barbara’s nurse had hugged her earlier and must have slipped it to her then.
She felt tears prick her already tired eyes, but she didn’t have the luxury or time right now to cry or mourn the loss of her best friend, the keeper of her secrets, because instinctively, inexplicably she knew that whatever message this little white envelope held it would change everything. Once again.
Opening it carefully a small key fell out into Clara’s lap. Recognising it instantly she held it up in wonder – the key to Barbara’s summer house. She had told Clara she’d sold it. She picked up the single sheet of notepaper also enclosed and the sharp sting of loss overwhelmed her once again as she recognised her best friend’s handwriting.
‘Not much time left for me now RaRa.’ Sweet sharp pain at Barbaras use of her childhood pet name.
‘Derek knows. He wants his money back. Run RaRa, Run!’
Fear froze her grief in an instant. Had he been at the funeral watching her? Was he watching her now? She quickly started the engine ready to flee if necessary.
She longed to see Mark again but could she trust him? Barbara had always said that they could trust no one with their secret and they had to cut off all ties to their past after that fateful night. But damn it, Barbara hadn’t been in love with Mark back then.
She looked at her watch. Time to make a decision – the summer house or the Lucky Number Cafe?
I hope you enjoyed that, it was a lot of fun adding my part, I cannot wait not for Part 4 of Clara’s story.
Part 4
Her book – Waking up in Vegas
Part 5
Part 6
Her book – Your Room or Mine?
Oh wow, the plot thickens… lol! Should we really be writing romance?
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