Excitement levels are high! It’s been such a lovely publication week for A MOTHER’S HEART, with early reviews easing my pre-pub jitters!
Books have already begun to sneak onto retailers’ bookshelves, so some readers have snagged an early copy!
There is still time to pre-order a signed edition of A MOTHER’S HEART though! There are several pre-order competitions on the go, so you will also be in with a chance to win a prize too!
1. Easons Wexford, Enniscorthy and GoreyOrder a personalised signed copy from any of the Eason’s stores in Co. Wexford, for a chance to win Morning Tea for Four, in the Riverside Park Hotel.
2. Eason IrelandOrder a signed copy online from Easons.com, and be in with a chance to win afternoon tea for two.
3. BookstationOrder a signed copy online from Bookstation.ie and be in with a chance to win a bouquet of flowers.
Chat soon!
Carmel x