#HIFortnight – Guess how many HarperImpulse books I've read?


I’ve very lucky to be a published author at Harper Impulse. I can still remember the excitement I felt when I signed a two book contract with Harper Collins digital imprint in the summer of 2013.

Since then, two books have hit the bookshelves, both virtual and real and I’ve seen them become eBook bestsellers. If you’ve not read them yet, you can find out all about them here.

Right now, I’m reading Somewhere Only We Know by Erin Lawless and next up is Noone Wants to Be Miss Havisham by Brigid Coady.

Along the way, I’ve also had the opportunity to read a LOT of the Harper Impulse catalogue of books. 27 so far and counting! I read a lot! In no particular order, these are the books I’ve worked my way through, so far. All great reads and highly recommended. Have a quick look, there could be gem here, just waiting to be picked up and enjoyed. And btw, don’t Harper Impulse do the BEST covers?

Happy #HIFortnight! Carmel x



  1. Excellent ! my summer reading list !! 🙂 although some I have already read !

  2. Reblogged this on Trace Literary Agency and commented:
    If you are looking for some very good reads, here is a great list. And topping it off, I’d recommend Carmel Harrington’s BEYOND GRACE’S RAINBOW and THE LIFE YOU LEFT!!

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