Couldn’t stop myself. My thoughts on Ms Katie Hopkins.

Last night I watched a video clip of Katie Hopkins on This Morning, where she controversially told a shocked Holly and Philip that she judged children based purely on their name’s.

As I watched the clip it became clear to me that this was just another ‘Z’ list washed up celebrity, desperately trying to claw her way back into the spotlight.
I can actually picture her sitting at home trying to decide what angle she should try.
What would cause the most amount of publicity? And she chose well, because attack our children and attack class and the masses stand up to be counted.

Now I would have thought no more of Little Miss Desperate for Fame, except she’s all over twitter. Complaining about the illiterate jibes and hate mail she’s getting from people. It’s hard to ignore her. More’s the pity.

@KTHopkins: The vocab of angry Charmaines, Tylers, Tylas, Angels and Princesses out there is going a long way to proving my point. Very shouty people.

@KTHopkins: This is not a class war. A class war would have brave knights and a noble rebellion. All we have here are cheap shots and the ignorant.

And I really would have ignored her deliberate silly insults, attacking people for no other reason than being fame hungry (Apprentice, Im a Celebrity Get me out of Here – I rest my case!) but she got nasty.
And she is complaining about nasty insults being hurled at her for her views but then she posts things like this :-

@KTHopkins: Ginger babies. Like a baby. Just so much harder to love.

@KTHopkins: The Justice for the Tyler One has got off to a great start. Tyler has forgotten his placard. And can’t write.

@KTHopkins: Thank you to all that don’t wish to face twitter angst but send emails of support. Nevaeh…. Heaven backwards. Backwards is about right.

@KTHopkins: ‘Hi, this is my daughter Charmaine’. I hear: ‘Hi, I am thick and ignorant’.

So this morning having read the nonsense she was spouting, I grappled with my conscience. Should I simply ignore Katie Hopkins which in fairness is probably the best thing to do, in order to ensure she doesn’t get any more column inches? My initial instinct was yes, ignore the silly woman. But I can’t not respond. I am angry. She has gone from attacking parents name choices for their children to insulting children themselves. And that’s unforgivable.

A line has been crossed. So here I am weighing in to give my opinion.

Katie Hopkins is a bully. No more no less. And I wonder has she even for a moment considered how many people she could hurt with her words.

Right now, a child called one of the names she has slagged off maybe reading a headline generated by Katie Hopkins and who can tell what the damage that could cause.
Well done Katie.

It is so unacceptable to make sweeping generalisations about names and class.

@KTHopkins: The children’s names I dislike correspond closely with the ‘Late Sign In’ sheet at any school office across the country.

So for people who call their children names that Katie deems appropriate will never be late dropping their kids to school? And because they have a name that Katie deems appropriate they are destined for great things in life, unlike the poor children who have parents who got it wrong. Lucky children for getting such a great start in life by having a name that Katie deems appropriate. What a load of nonsense. Without taxing myself even remotely I can think of both prominent and successful Tyler’s and Charmaine’s.

To name one of my favourites, Tyler Perry – actor, director and playwright who happens to be pretty darn articulate too!

Katie also made the statement that people who name their children after place names have appalling taste. She mentioned the names Brooklyn and London as examples.

Now wait for this. Cos’ this is good.

Katie has a daughter called India.

India is actually one of my favourite names. I think Katie chose a great name for her daughter.
But for heaven’s sake Katie, how can you slag off people who call their children after places when you have done the same yourself? Now who is showing a lack of intelligence? That particular argument wasn’t very well thought out.

But if I’m honest that very point just hammers home to me that Katie is only attacking names to be controversial.
It’s kind of sad really isn’t it? To be that desperate for fame that you would attack children.
I wonder what is missing in her life that she feels the need to be in the spotlight so much.
And has she once during this whole publicity stunt thought about how her words might impact her own children’s lives?

Because be very careful what you say in the media, its on record forever and cannot be retracted.
Just imagine in 20 years time and India or Poppy (Katie’s daughters) come home to her with their new love called Tyler. Awkward. Let’s not imagine the carnage if he happened to be ginger.

And speaking of which, her cheap, cruel shot about ginger babies being harder to love only illustrates to the world a side to Katie Hopkins character that is both nasty, cruel and unimaginative.
Her insults don’t actually make any sense. She really needs to work harder at them.

But we really shouldn’t worry because Katie will fade to anonymity again once this dies down. I’m sure she’ll work hard to come up with another publicity stunt. Oh joy. I can’t wait.

And Katie Hopkins, in case you are reading this, was that articulate enough for you?

Chat soon everyone, Carmel x

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