Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine. Today, the weather was just incredible. We had a lot of fun on Curracloe beach with the children and by the looks of it most of Wexford and half of Dublin did too!
Why is it though, that despite slathering on factor 50 onto all the H’s over and over today, I still managed to miss one patch on my own shinbone and ouch it hurts!
Maybe I should have tried this…….
Nah, we’re off to the beach again tomorrow, make hay while the sun shines and all that! So this is will be a very quick post, cos’ I need to go find some aftersun! I’ve been meaning to post about my recent trip to London, but you know what I’m like, easily sidetracked!
I love London and whenever I visit, I always wonder why I leave it so long in between trips, because there’s something about that city that just makes me smile.
I was actually born in London, my mother is from London, so it’s really no surprise that I feel a connection with it. I have some very happy early childhood memories from that city. Mum married an Irish man and while they started their lives together out in London, it was always planned that they would move home to Wexford.
Doesn’t London look incredible in this picture that I found on Pinterest?
My agent Tracy Brennan and her family were visiting London, so we hatched a plan that Mr H and I would fly over for a short city break, to meet them.
It was quite strange actually as this was actually the first time I got to meet Tracy face to face. Since I signed with the Trace Literary Agency in January of this year, we have gotten to know each other pretty well thanks to email and the odd phone call, but nothing beats actually sitting down with someone face to face does it? When Tracy and Matt her husband suggested we pop around to the pub around the corner from their hotel for a chat, Rog and I thought, yep, our kind of people!
Here’s a pic of Rog and I.
Over a lovely glass of wine we had a great chat and I have a sneaky suspicion it won’t be the last wine that the four of us drink together!
Here’s a pic of Tracy and I together.
I am really happy to share that Beyond Graces Rainbow has been getting some attention from publishers, with the feedback being so positive. So with fingers and toes and all else crossed with a few novenas said for good luck, I’m hoping that there will be some news to share soon.
Enjoy the sunshine all
Carmel x
Woohoo! It was only ever a matter of time my dear! I have that spectacular rainbow dress on standby for the official book launch!
I would pay to see that! Lol….. Cross everything Jen!
I’m looking forward to some good news for a change. I never doubted you!
Thanks Tanya! X
We did have a great time didn’t we. Can’t wait for the next celebratory glass of vino!!!
Me too Tracy.