A Tale of Two BabyGro’s

Yesterday a group of friends and I were discussing The Secret, a book by Rhonda Byrne.    I had read the book and was a fan of it’s philoposhy.   Some of my friends had read the book and had nothing but good things to say about it.  Denise K shared this with us.

I believe we all have “The secret” within us. The mind is a lot more powerful than we give it credit for. If you are looking for a parking space, say “thank you, thank you, thank you for the parking space” and more often than not, one will suddenly appear.
I have in the past asked the universe for something big, visualised it and it happened. Now if I could visualise this weeks lotto numbers I would be delighted . I must actually get my copy of “The secret” out and refresh my positive thoughts. I have a few things to ask the universe for right now.
I do believe though, that what we give out, comes back to us many times multiplied. DENISE K.

I must try that trick next time I’m in Wexford town looking for a non existent car park space, thanks Denise!

For those of you who haven’t a clue what The Secret is all about, here’s a quick explanation and by the way if you don’t fancy reading the book you can always rent the DVD  of the same name, which was released in 2006.  The tenet of the film and book is that the universe is governed by a natural law called the law of attraction which is said to work by attracting into a person’s life the experiences, situations, events, and people that “match the frequency” of the person’s thoughts and feelings. Therefore, positive thinking and feeling positive are claimed to create life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness.

If you follow its philosophy, you can create the life you want—whether that means getting out of debt, finding a more fulfilling job or even falling in love. RHONDA BYRNE


That sounds pretty good doesn’t it?  Oprah is another fan of The Secret and has devoted several shows to the subject, with guest after guest being interviewed who have transformed their lives since taking on the philosophise’s of The Secret in their lives.

To give you a taste of Oprah’s thoughts on The Secret, here’s a little clip.


In life, I think its fair to say that we can usually divide ourselves into two categories, the glass half full or glass half empty type of people.  For me, I’ve always been a glass half full type of gal.  But I know a lot of glass half empty people!  When I read the book I realised that I was already living my life with many of the philoposies that The Secret advocated.  I will give an example of how I do that in a bit!  And I’m not alone, there are many well known people out there who have spoken about the power of positive thinking and how it helped them get to where they are in life.   Here are just a few quotes from self described Optimists that I have pulled together for you:-

Its sorta like a mantra. You repeat it to yourself everyday. Music is my life, music is my life. The fame is inside of me, i’m going to make a number one record with number one hits.
And its not yet, its a lie. Your saying a lie over and over and over again, and then, one day the lie is true. LADY GAGA.

Keep one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. NELSON MANDELA

Failure isn’t the end unless you give up. JIM CARREY

Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity. Why would you be realistic? What’s the point of being realistic? I’m going to do it. It’s done. It’s already done. The second I decide it’s done, it’s already done. WILL SMITH

So the common thread whether its from a political leader like Mandela or an international actor like Will Smith is to dream big, have self belief and to never ever doubt that you can achieve whatever goal you are reaching for.

Some of you may already know comedian Jim Carrey’s story of his rise to fame.  But for those that haven’t heard him talk about it, I’ll share it, because it really illustrates what The Secret advocates beautifully.  Before he was rich and famous, Carrey wrote a check to himself, in the amount of 10 million dollars for “acting services rendered”. He postdated the check for 1995 and carried it in his wallet. Carrey also visualized himself cashing the check and what he would buy with it. By the time 1995 rolled around, Jim Carrey was indeed wealthy enough to cash the check (according to the book Jim Carrey by Amy Stone, he never cashed it; Carrey instead put the check in his father’s coat pocket after he passed away, as a symbol of his father’s dreams and support for his son’s success).

I can see it now, dozens of you are writing cheques to yourself for all sorts of crazy sums!  Feck it, I might give it a go myself and write a cheque for a book deal and put that in my purse.  It can’t hurt can it?

My friend Eimear Comerford of Babycribz, is the lovely lady who started our conversation yesterday. Eimear is a big fan and I asked her to share with me how the principles of positive thinking have impacted on her life.  Here’s what Eimear had to say:-

I guess I realised that in order to make things happen in your life you just need to believe in yourself.  No matter who tells you you can do something, if you don’t believe it yourself nobody else truly can! The only obstacles in life are the ones you put there and most of the time its out of fear!! I once worried about where money would come from to pay the endless bills and taxes the government have introduced, now I don’t think about them coz’ not only will those bill be covered but we’ll even go on holidays next year and change the car. I’ve my vision board nearly complete, I’m literally shopping already.

Negativity is an illness I have no time for.

Eimear is the force behind the successful business Babycribz.  I asked Eimear to share how using The Secret helped her get her business up and running so quickly and successfully.

When I decided to put my name and face to Babycribz it was absolutely terrifying! Its like I was putting myself out there for people to judge me or tell me I couldn’t do it. I’ve no time to even take note of comments like that. Since re-reading The Secret I’ve never been busier. I kept telling everyone that I was swamped with orders, I soon was. I work every night when the kids go to bed (8pm) til 10.30/11pm except Thurs nights…its devoted to the Good Wife, Tues & Wed mornings 9.45-1.15, Saturday mornings and any minute in between. I see great things for Babycribz, many more products, a website, distributing to gift shops. I just need to decide what I want and it will happen.I use The Secret for little things throughout the day like”No car will delay me on my journey” and “There’ll be a nice handy parking spot right by the entrance for me”.

You see, there must be something in this parking lark, because there’s another of my friends who can get a car park spot just by asking nicely!  But in all seriousness, I’ve been both in awe and very proud watching Eimear throw herself into Babycribz and seeing how quickly it has grown for her.  She believed it would be successful, so I in turn believed it and apparantly so has hundreds of others, as the orders for her beautiful bespoke baby gifts are pouring in!

Checkout Babycribz on http://babycribz.wordpress.com/ or www.facebook.com/babycribz

So before I end this little blog post, I’m going to share with you my very own Secret story!   When Mr H and I got married we were on our honeymoon in USA.  And naturally you can’t go to the states without doing copious amounts of shopping.  It’s part of the terms and conditions when you get your visa stamped as you gain entry over there.    Macy’s is obligatory in my humble opinion!  So while doing my bit to help the USA’s economy, I added two babygro’s to the basket of clothes that Mr H was patiently holding.  One of these said ‘100% baby girl’ in pink and the other one said ‘100% baby boy’ in blue.  Mr H asked me who are were for a little puzzedly, as we didn’t have any newborn neices or nephews.  So I answered him truthfully and said, they are for our children.  I quickly assured Mr H that I wasn’t secretly expecting twins, but I explained to him that we would, without a shadow of a doubt, have a baby girl and boy and they would wear the cute babygros.  Mr H was a little worried that I was setting myself up for disappointment, but I could not be swayed, I was absolute in my belief that a little girl and boy were in our future.  To back up my belief I quoted a line from a movie that I had always loved to Mr H.  The movie is Field of Dreams.

If you build it, they will come

So off Mr H went with his credit card, smiled indulgently at his mad wife and if he thought I was a little barmy, he wisely kept that thought to himself.  He’s good like that.

There’s no twist to the end of this story as you all know the ending.  We have a beautiful little girl called Amelia and an adorable little boy called Nate.  100% girl and 100% boy.  The babygros are in the children’s memory boxes now, tiny mementos reminding us that yes indeed, if you build it they will come.   Chat again soon everyone, Carmel x

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