This will be my year to …

Good morning everyone,

Well we survived our first morning back to reality and can confirm that a) Mr H is back in his office running the country b) Amelia & Nate are back in school/playshcool (on time!), arms laden down with Hershey kisses to share with their friends c) I’m back in front of my laptop, ready to kickstart my writing.

To get me motivated, I’ve written a list of six things I want to do more of in 2015, called

This will be my year to ….


1. To get more sleep

If you know me, you know that I don’t sleep a huge deal. But that all changed in Florida this Christmas. For two weeks holiday, I totally switched off from work. Orlando was quite simply magical. We have memories that will last a lifetime and every time I pull one out of my head, I find myself grinning hallmark style. My friend Catherine came to visit this weekend and said to, ‘You look so refreshed!’ And you know what? I feel refreshed! Despite being a year older (I had a birthday yesterday) I feel like a young wan’.

And why is this? Well because I was in bed by 10pm every night! Maybe it was getting used to the time zone or quite likely it was because each day was jam filled with activities, but I slept. A lot. At least 10 hours every night. And you know what? I kind of liked it. This from a  woman who has said for years that she only needs 4 – 5 hours sleep a night!

My aim for 2015 is to continue this trend and be in bed before 11pm every night. I thought this pic could sum up how a lot of us will feel when we get to bed tonight!


2. To write every day

Now this might seem like a no-brainer, as I’m a writer. But too often in 2014, I found myself working ridiculously long hours, doing promotional work, writing blogs, writing articles, but not actually working on my novels.

Then at the end of the summer, I was faced with the mahoosive task of getting book 3 written before December. I did it, but had a lot of sleepless nights as a result. And as I’ve already said, I’m gonna sleep more in 2015, so therefore I need to be a bit cleverer about the important things I need to do work wise.

So, no procrastination, I’m going to get cracking on book 4. Yes there will be edits and a lot of rewrites to do on book 3, The Road Back Home, before it gets published later this year, but I need to get started on the next book in the meantime. Whatever that might be. I have a few ideas, I’m going to start working on some of them and see what sings to me.

I also have started a children’s book, last night I couldn’t stop thinking about that. I might start there, see where it takes me. But no matter what, I’m going to write at least 500 words every day. That’s 2,500 words each week. (Weekends I don’t work – thats family time.) And that my friends will be another novel completed by December, at the very least. And with any luck I’ll knock that target out of the park each week and will have book 4 done by the summer. That would be cool.

I’ve so many projects that I’d like to complete this year, aside from the books. Another play. A novella. Maybe even a non-fiction book that I’ve been kicking around in my head. Lots to do! Not to mention the work I do with Focal, Wexfords Literary Festival, my writing group, Imagine Write Inspire and the creative writing classes I’ve promised to do again this year. Yes, lots to think about! And if anything gets in my way, well I’ll have to call on Liam Neeson to help me out ….


3. To exercise

I’m not going to make any grand statements here – neither to myself or to you my reader friends – about running marathons or the like. But I am going to get more active. While we were in Disney World, we walked about five miles every day. And guess what? I slept better. And I ate what I wanted but didn’t put on any weight. It seems like a no-brainer to me to continue this trend. Walking will be my new best friend. Maybe at some point I might try jogging. But for now, it’s going to be walking at the very least. This afternoon, the kids and I will be heading to the beach for a walk. And I’m going to start swimming at the weekends. Not at the beach, that would be a bit crazy. 😉 We had a pool at our villa in Florida and it was glorious swimming every day. I’d forgotten how much I enjoy that and the kids adored it too. Love this pic, I think it all counts, right?


4. To continue to eat sensibly

If you know me, you know that I’ve had a long battle with dieting for years now. Baby weight, turning 40 and slow metabolism weight, blah blah blah …. no matter what way I spin it, I’m overweight. I made a lot of changes at home last year and will continue my quest for a slimmer MrsH in 2015. I’ve spent years doing fad diets and quick fixes, that ultimately don’t last. But something switched in my brain a few months ago, it’s working, I’m losing weight slowly, but surely. I liken myself to the tortoise. I’m working on a healthy LONG life, as opposed to quick short weight loss spurts that never last. I’m very proud that over the Christmas/New Year, in Florida, home of the never ending buffet, I came home the same weight as I went. Thats an achievement for me. And a sign that no matter what is going on in my life, I can maintain this new healthy way of living.

I’m beginning to realise that like most things in life, it’s about balance. I can have the treats, as long as they are that. Treats. The odd time, as opposed to every day. This postcard was modelled on me. I know it was.


5. To get more organised

In all areas of my life. Not just for work, but also at home too. Over the next few weeks I will be doing some early spring cleaning and de-cluttering. I’m planning on one hour a day, so it’s manageable. One room at a time. Think the playroom has to be first today, after all the Christmas presents!  I’m also going to plan what we’re going to eat each week and do some weekend bulk cooking and freezing, for those days when I get too busy with work to cook. No excuse then to reach for unhealthy options. Sounds good doesn’t it? Have to do this though. The last couple of months were beyond crazy and I was so stressed all the time. I can’t go back to that! I need to get in control, so that means being organised. I can do this!


6. To live my best life

I have an amazing family that I know I’m blessed to have. I don’t take that for granted ever I promise you. But I’m not the best at taking some time for myself. Neither is my husband. We both tend to overextend and don’t allow ourselves any ‘me’ time. I reckon that maybe this is something that most parents of young children struggle with. Getting the right balance between work/children/family/me is tricky. So in 2015, I’m going to work a little harder on this one. I’ll always put the children and my husband first. I wouldn’t want it any other way. And it’s in my genetic make up that I’m a grafter, so I’ll always work long hours. But somewhere in all that, I’m going to take a few hours to myself each week. Time  to read. Time to create. Time to sit still and think. Time to relax. Time be with friends. Time to exercise. Time to explore new things. Time to be me, not mummy or wife or writer. Time to have fun.


Good list? Do you have one too? I might pull this out every couple of months and see how I’m doing on it!

I’m going to finish up by one little reminder to let you know that today is the last day of the 12 days of Christmas Kindle sale, of which The Life You Left is part of, only 99p!

If you haven’t downloaded yet and were thinking about it, grab it while it’s cheap. And if you know anyone who got a new kindle for Christmas, I’d be very grateful if you suggested my books.

The Life You Left – Click here to Download 

Chat soon my lovelies, hope the first week back isn’t too crazy for you all…

Carmel xxx

Halo para pecinta game slot yang kekinian! Kamu pasti penasaran nih dengan trik bagaimana cara main slot yang bisa mendatangkan cuan maksimal. Dalam artikel ini, kita bakal bahas tuntas soal taktik dan tips canggih buat kamu yang mau serius main slot. Saat main slot, yang pertama banget harus kamu pahami adalah berbagai jenis game dan fitur spesial yang ditawarkan. Slot memang terlihat simple, tapi ternyata ada banyak rahasia di balik mesin-mesin tersebut. Yuk, pahami lebih jauh biar peluangmu makin besar!


Nggak hanya itu, cari tahu juga gimana caranya memilih mesin slot yang pas dan menentukan waktu yang tepat buat main. Kunci utamanya adalah kesabaran dan strategi yang matang. Ingin tips dan trik main slot yang lebih mendalam? Klik di sini! Perhatikan max bet dan paytable untuk memaksimalkan kemenanganmu. Dengan memahami langkah-langkah ini, sensasi main slot akan terasa lebih seru dan rewarding. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Siapkan dirimu untuk petualangan slot yang nggak bakal terlupakan. Selamat bermain dan semoga sukses, Sobat!


  1. Belated happy birthday Carmel, and have a fantastic year fulfilling your six goals.

  2. I missed your birthday!! How could that happen. When was it? I love your list and I have many of the same thoughts. Organization is at the top of my list. I used to be OCD organized, but somehow I’ve lost that loving feeling…….

  3. Great list Carmel. I had a friend who raised his two children aged 12 months and 2 years to adulthood. He had rarely cooked. A good professional job with long hours but small money left over (after mortgage etc. ) in order to survive! He bought a good chinese cookbook and one other and planned EVERY meal EVERY Thursday night .He wrote down the EXACT quantities he needed of everything on his shopping list. On the FRIDAY night, the fridge was empty and he cleaned it. He shopped EVERY Saturday. Never divert from his list with “specials” “great meal deals”. He saved money …no food wasted…healthy food for everyone…and only one night to think about “OMG what will we eat tonight!”. He is still doing it after 19 years. Inspirational. (And it works). Hope this helps as an idea …
    Anne de Gylpyn

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