Thinking of writing a bestseller? Then read on!

Since I started writing I have received many messages and emails from people saying that they are keen to start writing themselves and feel that they have a novel bubbling away inside them. But as I know too well, life can get in the way and and the promised novel is left unwritten.

When I first started to write, it was short stories that I cut my teeth on. And from writing short stories or flash fiction as it is more commonly referred to now, I found my voice and started writing novels.

So, as May is International Short Story Month, I have decided that I’d like to showcase some emerging writers talents and give them a little nudge in the right direction of starting their own novel.

I am challenging you to write a Flash Fiction piece. Flash fiction is typically 500 words or less, but can run up to max 1000 words. It can be on any subject, so you can let your imagination run wild!

Every flash fiction piece should be emailed to me at and then it will be published on my blog. You never know who might be popping by and taking a look and maybe just maybe, this could be your turn to shine. I’ll take stories up to the end of May.

And I know how daunting it can be to take that first tentative step and show what you have written to the world, but since I made that step last August so much has happened – books, plays and now writing for some magazines. (watch this space!) and I’ve enjoyed every second. Who knows where this short story may bring you?

I can’t wait to hear from you.

Carmel x



  1. Pingback: Carmel shares a blog Thinking of writing a bestseller? Then read on! |

  2. What a great idea Carmel!!!

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