There’s Magic In The Air, Written Fireside, Part 6

Hello everyone, how’s your weekend going?  Anyone getting excited about Halloween yet?  It’s fast becoming a big holiday in our house, the children are very excited about it all. Amelia (3) wants to be a witch and Nate (almost 2) wants to be Woody from Toy Story.

With Halloween in mind, it’s appropriate that today it’s my turn at author Lori Connelly’s Written Fireside story – ‘A Witch By Chance.’

A variety of authors gather around the virtual campfire for a month and pass a story along each adding their own imagination and talent to the tale as they do so.  It was started by Lori at the beginning of the month and I have now written Part 6.

Before you read my offering, please check out the previous installments listed below.

Part 1 by Lori Connelly Tuesday October 1st
Part 2 by Aileen Harkwood on Saturday October 5
Part 3 by Zara Stoneley on Tuesday October 8
Part 4 by Kari Lemor on Saturday October 12
Part 5 by Sarah Lefebve on Monday October 14

Part 6 by Carmel Harrington on Saturday October 19

“You’re scared.” Ivy said in sudden realisation.  She noticed her mother didn’t deny the statement; she simply turned her back to Ivy and walked to the kitchen.

Ivy felt an all too familiar tide of annoyance flow through her that lately seemed to appear whenever in her mother’s company.

“Don’t walk away from me!” She said to a now retreating back.  The indifference she had grown accustomed to over the years suddenly seemed unbearable and her voice rose to a scream, “I need answers Lily.  Who exactly is Chance and why must I stay away from him?”

Lily winced at Ivy’s tone, the deliberate insult at being called her first name as opposed to Mum, sliced through her heart.  All Lily had ever wanted was to protect her daughter from a life that destiny had long ago written for her, to give Ivy the chance to choose her own path rather than have it dictated to her, like it was to her by her own mother many years ago.

“You deserve answers Ivy.  I don’t deny that.  You may not believe me, but your happiness has been at the heart of everything I have ever done.  We’ll talk about Chance later I promise you, but first of all there is something you must know.”  She walked towards Ivy and clasped her hands tightly between her own.  A single tear escaped Lily and dropped onto their entwined fingers.


“Mum?” Ivy whispered, feeling scared.  She’d never seen her cry before.

“I was thirteen when I learned the truth about our family and with that knowledge there was a high price to pay – that of my childhood.  One moment I was sharing my first crush with my best friend Laura and then in an instant my life as I knew it was gone forever. ”

“I don’t understand?” Ivy said, her eyes glistening with tears.

“I didn’t want that for you, can’t you see!” Lily cried fervently.  “I fought your grandmother and as a result our relationship was irrevocably damaged.  But I won.” Lily finished with a smile and she gently brushed a strand of hair from her daughters face.  “You got to have a childhood and a new age was agreed for the initiation – twenty-three.”

“An initiation into what?” Ivy asked.

“To be a witch of course.”  Lily replied with a smile.

Want more?  I cannot wait to see where Teresa brings the story to next.  Who exactly is the handsome Chance?  Is he good or evil?  Hmmm…. I can’t wait to find out!

Part 7 by Teresa F Morgan on Tuesday October 22

Part 8 by Lynn Marie Hulsman on Saturday October 26

Part 9 by Jane Lark on Tuesday October 29

Thanks for reading as always and chat soon,

Carmel x


  1. Carmel, as always, you are amazing ^_^

  2. Fantastic! Loving this story more and more each time there’s a new piece. You’ve done an amazing job in such a short space. 😀

  3. oh, you’ve left me to tie this up! Ha ha! Brilliant. I’ve finally sat down and read them all in one shot yesterday 🙂 Great stuff all of you!

  4. This is getting good. Am so impatient to see where this goes. And what Ivy does with Chance??!!!

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