The Book Geek gives her verdict

When a new review comes out I am always nervous. Will the book reviewer like Beyond Graces Rainbow? Will they recommend it to their readers? This morning The Book Geek, (check out her fab blog) aka Natalie, published her book review on BGR and I can honestly say her words moved me.
Her review is now one of my favourites, I just love her description of each of the characters. Thank you Book Geek <3, I am truly humbled to be in a sandwich with JoJo Moyes and Jane Green! You made this authors day!

Here is the review :-

How gorgeous is that cover please?

​Beyond Grace’s Rainbow follows Grace Devlin through her fight with Leukemia. She is an honest, clever, and charming lady who has you loving her from the very start. Throughout her story you get to meet the people in her life, her beloved group of friends and her family. With them you get not only their side to her story, but their own stories too. Her friends consist of, Tom and Gerry her two gay friends, who are without a doubt the most romantic and gorgeous couple ever. Tom is the dad of the whole group and Gerry is the drama queen with a huge heart. Tara is Grace’s cousin, she is the mouth and the hard-faced one, she is married to Grace’s long-term karaoke friend the lovely Dr,Sean. Lastly, we have Abbie, she is the art chick with a shy smile, a gorgeous face and a metabolism we all dream about, she also has a tendency to pick very crap boyfriends. All together they are a force to be reckoned with. A gang of pure love. Grace has a son Jack who she seriously dotes on. When Jacks father Liam (the love of her life) turns up out of the blue one day, her feathers are well and truly ruffled. We also get to meet a lady named Catherine and told her incredible journey in life, but I won’t go into detail about her she’s one for you to find out about yourself.

All I can say about this book is that you will not be disappointed when you read it. It is a tale of heartache, mystery, love, devastation, life and relationships. A book that will have you giggling and excited, but will also have you crying and questioning how things in life can change so suddenly. It has been told in such a wonderful way, a way where you are pulled into the words. You don’t become a part of the book like some you read, but miraculously you become a friend of the author. Now I know that seems a strange thing to say, but you really do feel like you are sitting with her listening to her as she explains the tale of grace’s life to you. Like this is real life and grace is her family. That is something I’ve never experienced before and my swinging brick thawed slightly allowing a warmth to take over me, allowing me to live that reality with her. It made me become very aware of my own family, friends, children, and husband. How blessed I am, how blessed we all are. I will never look at a rainbow in the same way again.

I can hand on my heart honestly say that this book has blown me away. Treat yourself to it. It’s not just for us chick-lit ladies. It’s for everyone who enjoys a good read and a brilliant book. It’s Sensational.

This is pride of place with ‘me before you – JoJo Moyes’ and ‘the accidental husband – Jane green’. No doubt I’ll be reading it again soon.!beyond-graces-rainbow—ch/c1148


  1. Bless you.
    Thank you for allowing me to review it. You’ve got something extra special there 🙂

  2. How fantastic Carmel : ) Cant wait to read it. Congratulations once again

  3. Thanks Carmel. The laws of attraction are being tested again : )

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