Rock of all ages party

The first night that I held my son in my arms, he started as he was to continue for the next six months, he partied all night. All he wanted to do was watch me, nuzzle into the crook of my neck and he always had this expression on his…

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Twice Baked Pesto Potatoes


I’m not a food blogger and wouldn’t dream of stepping on the toes of the great Irish Food Blogs out there, but I cooked these babies tonight for dinner and they were so ‘deelicious’ as Amelia says, that I wanted to share.
I’m a huge fan of the potato, always have been. Mashed with butter, cream and salt and pepper is my food heaven, but ill eat them any way. Mr H is partial to some dauphinois and all of H’s like our treat of chips with salt and vinegar every now and then. What is it with us Irish and our obsession with the humble spud? Think it must go back to the famine. No matter how much pasta, rice, risotto, cous cous we go through in our house, sometimes you just can’t beat an auld potato.

So today I decided I’d try a new variation on baked potatoes. (Ok I might have been inspired by my good friend Pin – see previous blog entry!).

I used Red Roosters and cut slits into them. Rubbed on some olive oil and wrapped them up all cosy in tin foil. Baked in my oven for 40 mins this morning at 200.
Then this evening I added red pesto in between the slits (like garlic bread) and popped back in oven for 20 mins while I cooked the steak that we had with them. (They would make a lovely lunch or tea on their own with some salad either).
Just before serving I sprinkled some grated Parmesan on top and hey presto – twice baked pesto potatoes.

So easy to do, hence me sharing. I made one mistake, and that was only taking a picture of my spuds after we’d finished dinner, so the picture is of the little leftover ones that the H’s hadn’t demolished!

Have a nice evening everyone ….