I always feel like a rock star when my book goes on tour. Well, as close as I’m ever likely to get to be one! And of course, I mean virtually, because like everyone else, I’m at home on lockdown.
But thanks to my publisher, My Pear-Shaped Life is going on a tour of book bloggers in the UK & Ireland over the next ten days.
Each book blogger will share their review of My Pear-Shaped Life on their website and on social media. I’ll add the links here to each review as we go along. I am as always so grateful to the dedicated book bloggers who spend so much time sharing their love of books with readers. Us authors are so grateful.
Special thanks to Anne Cater in Random Things Tour, who has co-ordinated everything!

The Book Cosy “This book was full of surprises, just when you thought the story was going to go one way it went in a completely different direction. Each time I put the book down I started to think of Greta and the journey she was on …”
Portobello Book Blog “Life’s a bit pear-shaped for all of us right now but we can take heart that there will be better times ahead. #MyPearShapedLife is another heartwarming story from Carmel Harrington and just the kind of uplifting read we need just now.”
Rachel’s Random Reads “Wow, I don’t know how Carmel Harrington does it, but wow! This is eye-opening, thought-provoking ..this is Carmel at her very best, and I’m so glad that I’ve been able to read it.”
Books of all Kinds “Beautiful. Emotional. Relatable. They are not enough to describe the lyrical way that this author weaves a story that will touch you to your core and make you feel like you never have before.”
Over The Rainbow Book Blog “Greta was such a funny character who was incredibly relatable. It was very interesting and quite therapeutic to follow her and to experience everything alongside her. …warm, funny and thought-provoking…”
Little Miss Book Lover 87 “This is a book guaranteed to leave you spellbound and grip your for hours. I have not been able to put this one down. This is one of those books that should be given to anyone who is feeling down.”
Book Mad Barlow IG “A quick and uplifting read about learning to love yourself and finding your place in the world.”
Bookish Jottings “Carmel Harrington is a talented writer who creates female characters that are so real and believable that they end up becoming like friends and family by the end of the book. In My Pear-Shaped Life, she tackles insecurities, body images, weight issues and despair with assurance and compassion without resorting to mawkishness or melodrama”
Tales Before Bedtime “This is an incredibly uplifting read and perfect for readers of any shape and size. Full to the brim with loveable, engaging characters and it’s nod to the wonderful Wizard of Oz, with it’s regular ozisms. One thing that resonated for me – we’re all just perfect, just the way we are right now. Now go read this wonderful novel and go live your very best life.
Rambling mads “This was a charming, sweet, funny read. The cast of characters are relatable and realistic, I really like Greta and Billie. Uncle Ray was a total sweetheart too.”
Books In My Opinion “What followed in the rest of the book was surprise after surprise, really I didn’t know where this book was going, and I doubt you could even second guess it. I got lost in the book and couldn’t put it down.”
Book Before U Leap “The book has a great message about trying to find yourself and be comfortable in your own skin! I particularly liked the pretty woman moment in the mall in America, I want to shout out ‘you go girl!’ as I was reading it!”
Random Things Through my Letterbox “This book drew me in completely heart and soul. I empathised and identified with Greta so much especially about her battles with low self -esteem due to her battles with her weight. The intricate references to the film and book of The Wizard of Oz were enchanting and so very cleverly done I actually felt I was journeying with Greta, her uncle and the people they meet along the way. This book had a very theatrical feel and I think it would make a magnificent film.“
Emma R “This is a book I have been very enthusiastically recommending to friends and family! Despite the dark places the character visits, it is one of the most hope-filled, joyful books I’ve read this year. Without a doubt, it is one I will return to in the future. I adore Greta Gale, and I will be checking out more novels by Carmel Harrington – she may just have found a new fan in me!”
Emma’s Biblio Treasures
Being Anne “This book broke my heart and made me cry buckets, but it also made me laugh and cheer, and left me immeasurably happier: this is one for anyone who sometimes feels they might not be quite enough, because it will leave you reassured that every one of us most certainly is. Greta, I so loved you and hope you have the best life – and Carmel Harrington, I most certainly love you too, this book was just wonderful.”
Em and her Books “This was an uplifting book about self discovery and being yourself! The format of the writing was varied with instagram posts, quotes, dialogue and narrative. It was all believable dialogue and I was invested from the beginning.”
On my Bookshelf “It is warm and easily written, the story – telling is flowing, with colourful and vivid descriptions, it feels unique and fresh. Sometimes it’s very poignant and heart – breaking, sometimes it’s light – hearted and funny but on top of this it is important, wise and full of compassion. It shows the importance of loving and accepting yourself, of having support, and it feels very real.”
One More Word “And when I finished the last page I was both happy and sad. Happy because the ending had a great Happy Ever After moment and sad because I had no more time left with Greta and the gang.”
HanLovesToRead “this book ended so uplifting that you learn to accept yourself how you are too and to me accepting myself how I am actually makes me more happier and comfortable in my own skin. “
Cen-sational Reads “A book that will bring tears of both joy and happiness.”
Handwritten Girl “Wonderfully written with humorous and relatable characters, ‘My Pear Shaped Life’ pulls the reader right in from the very beginning like a warm hug. Focusing on the pressures of appearance, society and social media, this charming Irish tale is perfect for fans of life affirming stories with an injection of magic and wit.”
Waggy Tales Blog “The references and parallels to the story of The Wizard of Oz are brilliantly subtle, clever and inspiring. There is incredible love, warmth, and wit in the story despite the serious issues. Greta never feels sorry for herself but instead recognises vulnerability in people and shows great empathy. She is a relatable main character who everyone will adore and her story is charming, warm and thought-provoking.“
Always Need More Books “The writing in My Pear Shaped life is just brilliant – I haven’t read any of Carmel Harrington’s other books but I will definitely be looking out for them. The humour in her characters is just lovely “
Emma at Shaz’s Book Blog “This new character that Carmel has created, Greta Gale, is one who will live on in your heart and mind long after you have read the final page. Without question this is the best book that the author has written and I think everyone that reads it will identify with it hugely as I believe we can all identify with Greta in some way be it big or small. “
Sincerely Book Angels “You know that lovely cosy feeling you get when you kick off your shoes at the end of the day and curl up with a hot drink and a bar of chocolate to watch a Christmas movie? Well that’s exactly how I felt when I finished reading this book. I absolutely loved it.
Kim The Bookworm “I found this book utterly glorious! My favourite Carmel Harrington book yet I think. I couldn’t have loved Greta Gale more. I felt like she was in my own head a lot of the time.”
Book Reviews for U
Novel Delights
The Love of Books