Hello my lovely friends
How’s everyone doing? I’m slap bang in the middle of final edit’s on The Life You Left. I am determined to get them finished by Friday, so I can enjoy an edit free zone for the Bank Holiday weekend!
I did manage to escape my self imposed editing cave though to spend an evening with a great bookclub in Gorey, called Around Quarter Past. They named themselves this, because although they are supposed to meet at 8pm, it always seems to be around a quarter past by the time they all arrive. That made me smile.
They meet once a month in the Amber Springs hotel and I was honoured that they chose Beyond Grace’s Rainbow as their April book. Kim Heath, baked the most delicious cupcakes for the meeting and iced them to compliment the colours of my book cover.
Aren’t they pretty?
It was a great evening chatting with Kim, Merle De Vito, Laura Kenny and Sinead Fox. We talked BGR (natch), books, life and generally had a good old chinway!
It was the perfect antidote to the stresses of editing and the ladies of AQP are all great fun, so the evening went by in a flash.
I signed some books and finally we all said goodbye, with promises of a future book club discussion for The Life You Left. .
Thank you ladies, it was my pleasure to meet you all, I’m very grateful that you all took the time to read BGR and even more thrilled that you enjoyed it.
Don’t forget if there are any other book clubs out there that would like me to pop by for a discussion, either in person or via skype if we are geographically challenged, I’d love to hear from you. Click here for more information.
Till the next time,
Carmel x
Good luck with the editing! Love that name of the Book Club too.
Its good isn’t it? Love bookclubs! If I had more time, when I have more time, I may start one myself! 🙂
Just imagine the fun deciding on the name!
I know! what would you call yours?
‘Book Ends’
Oh thats a great name! Snappy too.
What would yours be?