Guest Blogger Wednesday’s with Derbhile Dromey in the hot seat!

Good morning everyone
Dropping in to Mrs H’s hot seat today is author, coach, blogger and all round lovely person Derbhile Dromey. I had the pleasure of sharing the airwaves with Derbhile last week when we both joined Norman Graham for his popular radio show StoryTime. Our interview will be aired on Friday evening. The experience was great but made all the more fun having Derbhile in the studio too.

So, please take a moment to meet Derbhile, she’s a clever one and knows her stuff when it comes to all things writing.


Welcome Derbhile, tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a writer living by the sea, who likes to put on silly voices, sing like no one’s listening and dance like no one’s watching.

What do you write? When did you start?

Mostly I write fiction, though I also write personal essays and in the past I wrote feature articles. I began with a Masters in Journalism in 2000 and continued in journalism for a few years, before making the foolhardy yet rewarding decision that the world of creative writing was where my heart belonged.

Of the characters you’ve created through writing, which one is your favourite and why so?

Has to be Astrid. She’s so gloriously bitchy. The Pink Cage has been out for two years and I still can’t get her out of my head. I need to learn to make room for other wonderful people that may emerge.


Do you blog? If so, tell me what we can expect if we pop by?

My blog is called World of Writing,

Would you consider self-publishing?

Yes, but I still feel that having a good publisher behinds you helps you rise above the crowd and find an audience. This is particularly useful for literary fiction, which I have foolish pretentions to write, and literary fiction doesn’t tend to have a defined audience.

What are you reading right now? And is it a paper book or ebook?

I did get an ereader recently and may take the plunge and buy a book soon, but for now, it’s a paperback, Flight Behaviour by Barbara Kingsolver

If you could pick any career in the world other than what you do now, what would it be?

A musician. You give immediate pleasure to people.

Quick fire round, pick one of each of the below!

Beer or cocktails


Jeans or dress


Sun or Snow

Snow, wintry miserybags that I am.

Beach or Pool

Having said that…beach

Cats or Dogs


Theatre or Cinema


Pink or Green

Hot Pink.

Night in or night out

Night out

Paperback or eBook


Lobster or steak


What is the best compliment anyone could give you?

You really make me laugh.


Derbhile Dromey Graham is a freelance writer, originally from Clonmel. Co Tipperary, but now living in Tramore, Co. Waterford. She is the author of The Pink Cage, first published by Book Republic in 2011, now self-published. Derbhile loves nothing more than to help other people tell their story. She has given creative writing classes for the Bealtaine Festival, Waterford Festival of Learning and Waterford Healing Arts.

Derbhile also runs a writing and editing service called WriteWords, which offers content creation, editing, training and writing consultancy services.

For more information about Derbhile, visit

Thank you Derbhile for a great interview and thanks everyone as always for reading,
Chat soon
Carmel x


  1. Derbhile you just made me laugh, you still haven’t started using your Kobo. It does seem unusual at first but you do get used to it. Its definitely my preference now

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