Good morning everyone. It’s wet, dark and pretty miserable down Wexico way today so what better way to cheer ourselves up than catching up with this weeks guest blogger – writer Denise Kenny.
Welcome Denise, great to have you here!
Firstly, Thank you for inviting me to sit in the hot seat. I feel honoured and rather giddy actually lol
Denise Kenny is being interviewed by Author Carmel Harrington. J Pinch me someone, this is very surreal
That made me smile, thankyou! Can you start by telling me a little about yourself.
I am married to my other half, Mum to our two little heart melters, a home-maker and someone who dreams of being a published children’s author some day.
Creative, fun loving, a tad eccentric, a bit of a hippie and sometimes I am what pink Floyd would describe as, a ‘lost soul, swimming in a fish bowl’.
I love writing, arts and crafts, cooking, baking, photography and anything that resembles creativity. I am a big child at heart and I don’t think I will ever fully grow up, or at least I hope I don’t.
A peter pan at heart, thats no bad thing. What do you write Denise and when did you start writing?
I am a poet, at heart. I love to sit and let the verses flow onto the pages, or onto the screen. I write with a lyrical tongue. I find that particular style comes naturally to me. Many times, in my life, I have been told that I have poetry in my soul. I am not sure if I do, but I love that expression.
I used to love writing poems when I was in national school, but I think it was when I was in my early twenties, that I really started writing, following the sudden death of My Mum. It was the only way I could express the pain I felt and try to work through it. Writing is a great release and a powerful tool, in many senses.
There are two very definite sides to my writing. One side is dedicated to family and children; children’s poems and stories, family sentiments and quotes etc.
The other side is very deep poetry. Sometimes I don’t even know where it comes from. I just start writing and it is almost as if it comes from my soul, hence the expression I have heard a few times. I do think poetry is a gift, not a learned habit, though I could be wrong.
I put my pen away when I first became a Mum. I just didn’t have the time or energy. I tried to get back to it a few times, but the timing just wasn’t right and I had lost a lot of my confidence.
It was thanks to you, Carmel that I am on this journey again now. I dusted off my pen when I entered your flash fiction challenge. The response I got was fantastic so I shyly set up my blog, joined the IWI writers group and I have now just joined the Irish Parent Magazine team where I contribute a new feature in the magazine called ‘rhyme time’. Each issue I write a themed poem for our little readers and encourage their creativity by asking them to write one for me and send it in J
That Flash Fiction challenge has a lot to answer for doesn’t it? I’m so pleased I did that and so proud of the Imagine Write Inspire group that grew from that competition – so many talented writers out there. It’s very exciting to see one of our members do so well. Congratulations again Denise on your new column with Irish Parent Magazine.
So tell us all what project you are working on right now?
I am working on a collection of children’s fairytale books at the moment in rhyming form, aimed at the pre-school age. I am hoping by the end of the year, that I shall be contacting literary agents, in the hope of turning my dreams into a reality. Who knows what the future holds.
Wishing you so much luck with that Denise. I have preschool aged children and their favourite books are definitely the rhyming ones. I love blogging as everyone here knows, so tell us all about your blog and what we can expect if we pop by.
Yes my blog is
Depending on my mood, you could find anything on my page, from poetry to Flash fiction, to snippets of ‘Life with the Kenny’s’ to recipes or crafts J It really is a mixed bag.
It is a very family orientated blog but my love of flash fiction also creeps in there too.
And if you are feeling generous we’d love to see a sample of your writing, pretty please!
Sweet Dreams
Close your eyes and drift away,
To the land of secret dreams;
Where fairies dance and animals sing,
And nothing is what it seems.
Where children fly and somersault,
High up in the air,
With magic all around them,
Their laughter everywhere.
Close your eyes and drift away,
When the sun sets in the sky.
A bedtime story, a goodnight kiss,
Or maybe a lullaby…
Thats so lovely. I’ll read that to Amelia and Nate tonight and report back with their verdict!
Would you consider self-publishing out of interest?
Yes I would, but I think deep down, I would prefer an agent, but I certainly wouldn’t rule that option out.
Here’s a challenge for you! Give me 3 words to describe your best self and 3 words to describe your worst self.
Worst Self:
Perfectionist (in certain things it is not such a good trait)
Best Self:
Oh gosh.. This is hard.Fun loving
Good multi-tasker,
(Although my husband is giggling at my “brave” answer due to my irrational fear of slugs )
Who likes slugs? Yuk! Girls night out, room for 10 in the limo, who are you bringing with you? (Dead, alive, fictional, celebrities, friends, the choice is yours!)
This is a tough one, as it is very hard to narrow it down to 10.
Top of the list would be my Mum and my Sis for the first half of the journey, so we could catch up and let time stand still for a while.
Then we would collect You of course Carmel, then Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Princess Diana and my Mojito buddies
Wouldn’t that be an unusual night out lol
I’m so all over that limo ride! Sounds perfect. Describe a perfect day and night for me.
Perfect day: would be a Kenny family fun day. I love the days we head off and just have lots of silly fun together. A day to make special memories. We usually pack a camera, a picnic, load up the car and head off for the day, whether it be the forest, mountains or day trips to Tayto park, Rathwood, the beach etc.
Perfect Night, without doubt would be a night away with Henry. It is important, as parents, to take time out every now and again, to just be a couple and not always Mom and Dad. We try to do a special night away at least once or twice a year in a nice hotel. We get glammed up, enjoy a nice meal, drinks, some couple time and giggles. Then the following morning, wake up and go for a swim, Jacuzzi, and sauna before breakfast. Then a nice walk on a beach to clear the head before heading home to be greeted by big cuddles from the munchkins
Sounds like you have the perfect balance at home. Do you get time to read in between all of that? If so, what are you reading right now? And is it a paper book or ebook?
I am not reading anything right now. I use my free time to write and I am always up until around 2am writing every night. I shall be buying the new version of Beyond Grace’s rainbow when it comes out on paperback though and I am cannot wait to read your next book when it is released.
You are so kind and I am very excited to see BGR in paperback myself. Not long now! Thanks Denise. If you could pick any career in the world other than what you do now, what would it be?
I would love to be lots of things, but I would have great fun being a party planner. I adore the planning stages of parties, coming up with a theme, the little personal touches, the quirky finds.
For my husband’s 40th last year, I organised a 70’s theme and hired a limo to take a few of our close friends for a champagne fuelled pre-party drive, all of us dressed up in our 70’s gear. Then back to the beer garden where I had transformed the venue into a 70’s disco and hippie den. It was hilarious.
We had a princess and knight party for our daughter’s 5th Birthday this year. I transformed spare room into a banqueting hall and the gazebo into a castle and we even had a stock which my husband and Brother in law kindly stood at so the kids could throw wet sponges at them. The results of which are on my blog
So yes, without a doubt; a party planner. How cool would that career be, to get paid to create fun. I love it.
I’ve seen the photographs of your parties, so think you certainly could do that! Quick fire round, pick one of each of the below!
Beer or cocktails:
Oh Cocktails. I love Cocktailsy. My newest favourite is Homemade raspberry Mojitos J
Jeans or dress:
Sun or Snow:
Beach or Pool:
Cats or Dogs:
Theatre or Cinema:
Oh gosh, both. But if I had to pick just one, then Cinema as I get there more often, though not often enough.
Pink or Green: Pink. I love love love pink
Night in or night out:
Tough one, I love heading out for a night out with our usual gang but then I love having a cosy night in with the hubster, a bottle of wine and one of his delicious homemade pizza. .
Paperback or eBook:
Lobster or steak:
Medium rare steak with pepper sauce mmmmm
What is the best compliment anyone could give you?
Hmmm.. The best compliment about my creativity, would be for someone to say they like something I wrote. It is a huge boost to hear people say they were moved by something I wrote.
If it was about me personally, then it would be to say I made them smile.
Denise, thank you so much for popping into MrsH’s today and surviving the hotseat. I loved your poem and you made me smile so two out of the two on the compliments 😉
If you would like to see more from Denise you can find her on twitter, facebook or on her blog.
Thank you for reading everyone
Chat soon,
Carmel x
Thanks again for inviting me Carmel. Great fun 🙂