Hello everyone
It really feels like a nano second ago that I did last weeks round up of news. I know life is hectic right now, but slow down already!
So, how is everyone doing? Did you enjoy World Book Day? I loved seeing some of my friends children who are in school, wearing their favourite book characters costumes. I wonder what/who Amelia will want to dress up as next year, when she is in school? I will be so ALL over that one!
Right, speaking of Amelia and Nate, I have to share a funny story with you. I want to put it in my blog, so I don’t forget it!
I was making brekkie for the children yesterday and they were in the living room. Amelia was trying to put the TV on and somehow or other managed to get into the Sky Planner and hit play on one of my recorded shows.
Problem was, out of all the shows recorded, most of them being children’s movies, the show she hit play on, was only The Walking Dead!
So picture this, I walk into the room to find them both standing in front of the TV, with their mouths wide open, eyes likes saucers, watching Zombies chasing Darryl and Beth!
Horrified, I run to switch the channel quickly, thinking I’ve scarred my children for life and Amelia turns to me and says in a voice full of wonder,
Mummy, is that a Scooby Doo Movie?
Yes, exactly that! Its Scooby and Darryl does have a look of Shaggy doesn’t he? Phew! Got away with that one. I am still laughing about it now. I mean she’s not wrong is she? A lot of comparisons between Scooby Doo with all the zombies and TWD!
Needless to say, parental controls have now been set on all channels!
So apart from trying to give my children nightmares, I had another fun week work wise. I joined some talented authors – Jennifer Burke, Louise Hall and Margaret Scott, in an author panel debate on KFM’s Artyfacts show on Wednesday evening. Brenda Drumm the presenter is so warm and friendly, she makes it very easy for us.
Some of the book blogging community celebrated World Book Day by sharing their top books of all time and I am still in shock to be included on both YoursSincerely and JillLovesToRead. I’m still a bit overwhelmed about this to be truthful and very grateful.
I also had great fun sharing with you all the title of my second book – The Life You Left.
If you missed that post and want to play catch up, you can read it here.
Book review wise, I’m now up to #72 reviews on Amazon UK and #32 on Amazon US. Thank you everyone for taking the time to share reviews with the rest of the world.
And really, the big news still is the fact that this time next week I’ll be in the US on my book tour! Full details of the itinerary in Indiana, Chicago and New York is here and if you can come along to any of the events, I’d love to see you. Oh and if you have friends living in those areas and you think they’d be interested, please tell them all about it!
For now, have a great weekend,
Chat soon,