Friday Roundup – Latest news from HappyMrsH & theres much to share!

Hello everyone

How are you all?  Good I hope.  As life continues to get busier and busier for me, I thought I’d try to do a weekly roundup of news every Friday, as I’m not finding the time to blog as much as I used to.  ‘TRY’ being the operative word 🙂

So this week, whats been happening? Lots! First of all, Daddy had an operation, which had all the family a little tense, but he’s home and recuperating really well now, so all is good with the world!  Nate, (2), has found his voice and we can’t stop him chatting! And singing! He’s a H alright 😉  Amelia, (4) started hip-hop dance and had her first lesson on Monday.  She was so excited about it all and I must confess so was I!  However, when the dance instructor told me I couldn’t stay for the lesson I was distraught! To be fair, they said I could stay for 10 mins to make sure she settled, but then had to leave. But in this 10 mins, I got to see my daughters face light up and the smile of pure joy she beamed my way as she started the lesson, is a picture that has been framed in my mind forever.  When the lesson was over, I asked her what kind of moves she learnt and she said, ‘stylish ones Mummy!’  That’s my girl!

If you follow me on twitter or facebook, you will know that I’m just back from a trip to London where I had some catchups with my publisher HarperCollins. I got to spend time with the HarperImpulse legends Charlotte, Kimberley & Katie, the hardworking PR team Liz, Amy, Jamie & Becky and authors Erin Lawless & Sam Birch.

There was much to discuss, because so much is happening with both Beyond Grace’s Rainbow and book 2 which will be published June 19th!

First of all, here’s some amazing news to share.  BGR is going on sale in Tesco stores in UK & Northern Ireland shortly!  Yes, in paperback in UK & Northern Ireland!  I am so excited about this, as so many readers in UK had been asking me when they could get their hands on a hardcopy. I’ll share dates as soon as available,but think mid March!

BGR also goes on sale in paperback in North America – Chicago & New York on 18th March and is available already to pre-order on

So #shelfie alert!  If you see BGR in your local Tesco in UK or anywhere in US, please take a pic and share!  I’ve had great fun seeing all of the Irish #shelfies, I want to go international!

And speaking of international, remember I told you that the foreign rights of BGR was sold to Brazil?  Well, one of the ways they sell books over there, is door-to-door, so BGR will be sold in this way in addition to in-store.  Isn’t that cool?  I’m not sure of when this all happens yet, but soon I hope too!

Thank you to everyone who has kindly written a review on Amazon UK or US for me.  68 on UK/28 on US baby!

I’d love to hit the milestone of 100 reviews on UK an 50 on US over the next few weeks.  Did you know that reviews actually help with amazon sales rankings?  That’s why us authors love receiving them.  It’s not just because we crave feedback (which we do!), but it does also help with getting visibility up the ranks.  If you’ve read BGR and could take a few moments to write a few words about it, I’d be forever grateful!

Three more Book Bloggers have also kindly read and reviewed BGR this week too.  I love book bloggers, I get so many great ideas for books to add to my ever increasing TBR pile, from following their fab blogs.  

Reviewed By Fran

Laura’s Little Book Blog

Jill Loves To Read

Book 2 re-write was completed this week too (the relief!) and sent to Charlotte my editor.  We have a great title for this book – who wants to hear it?  Reveal coming soon I promise! 

For now, I’ll tell you the the initials are TLYL! 

#TLYL cover reveal to come soon too – so watch this space!!

Lastly, the countdown is on for my US Book Tour.   

If you are based in New York or Chicago, please try to come join us!

I had shared already that I have the honour of marching in the New York St Patrick’s Day parade.  Well the news got better, because I have also been asked to take part in the Chicago St Patrick’s Day parade, which is actually held on the 16th! I will be joining the Irish American Heritage Center on their float, smiling like a loon, with the excitement of it all.  

Ok, that’s enough from me for now I think.  Lots of news, a great week. The weekend is time to relax and chill with all the H’s.  We’ve a 4th birthday party to attend and if the weather holds, lots of walks, if the weather is bad, cinema!

Thank you all for reading, thank you all for your support & have a fab weekend,

Carmel x












  1. So happy for all your successes and I can’t wait to dig into Book 2. I also can’t wait to see your book sitting on a shelf in my hometown, New York City. I promise to take and send a #shelfie

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