Hen Parties, PUB day parties and Blog Awards!

Good morning everyone, good weekend? I was out gallivanting with great friends on Saturday for my best friend Annie’s hen party.  We had such a great night in the Boulevard Cafe.  Bubbles, you made me promise I would give you a mention, well consider it done! You are a legend.…

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Behind the scenes at The Morning Show

HarperImpulse asked me to share what it was like to be on The Morning Show, so here is the link to their blog where my piece is displayed! http://www.harperimpulseromance.com/carmel-harrington-on-the-morning-show/ If anyone would like to see the clip, you can catch it here:- http://www.tv3.ie/3player/show/155/68049/1/The-Morning-Show And here are a couple of pics!…

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