Well my friends, today is an auspicious day. Drum roll please! For today is my 100th post.
Who’d have thunk it?
Huge thanks from me to those of you who follow the blog or who have commented or liked the posts and shared and tweeted links to their own friends. If you did ALL of the above, you are quite simply AMAZEBALLS!
I’ll put it like this, everytime one of you said this
Photo Source Pinterest
It made me feel like this
And look at how happy you made Amelia too 😉
I can still remember how scary it was starting my blog. It felt like I was basically talking to myself for quite a while except for loyal Mr H who by legal and binding wedding vows has no choice but to read my posts. Thanks Mr H. x
But thankfully, once I got over the hump of the first few months, I began to find my blogging feet so to speak and I am happy to report that I have avoided this situation
I love looking at my statistics that wordpress thoughtfully supply to us bloggers every day and it’s a great way of seeing the posts that appeal to everyone the most!
I thought it would be fun to share my Top 10 Blog Posts from my Lifestyle series with you all as I’ve been told that they make you smile the most. So the results have been counted and verified and ok, I’ll stop that now. I’ve watched far too many reality talent shows!
Carmel Harrington Top 10 Posts
In at No. 10 Wrong Place Wrong Time Confession is actually a recent post of mine, when I shared with the world about how I inadverdently went to the wrong funeral. Cue much embarrassment and hilarity and it seems both of which struck a chord with you all!
No. 9 A Tale of Two Baby Gros was my take on the power of positive thinking and how I apply it to my own life with pretty amazing results. Now Mr H may like to take some credit for our two little H’s, but really it’s all down to the two babygro’s I bought in America. Magic I tell you!
No. 8 Orange Tutus to Glens of Aherlow is popular I believe, because I shared my attempt at running (jogging) (walking) the Dublin Mini Marathon. Along with some very good friends collectively called ‘Saoirses Sidekicks’ we raised much needed money for the charity Jack and Jill, that supports children like Saoirse, whose Mammy eloquently told us all about her brave daughter in Naomi’s Story. I’m happy to share that while Saoirse has some bad days, she is doing really well and is still charming her Mammy and Daddy and little sister Fiadh every day.
I must have a few over 40’s reading my blog, because at No. 7 was my little e-rantette about my ageing body, My Mind Says I’m in My 20’s My Body Says Yeah Right! I wrote this tongue in cheek, as I often do when I write my blog posts. I’m quite happy to poke fun at myself! My glasses arrived a few days after I wrote this post and the written world is now a much clearer place for me.
No. 6 was the only time that I used my blog to respond a little angrily to something that annoyed me. Couldn’t Stop Myself My Thoughts On Ms Katie Hopkins was my response to said womans attack on peoples choice of names and on ginger babies. You’ll be happy to know that I’ve calmed down now and my blood pressure is back to normal. And as predicted Ms Hopkins has faded to obscurity again.
I’m so pleased that No. 5 is The Quest For One True Love. It was one of my very early posts written as an anniversary present for Mr H. I fictionalised our romance in a Ye Olde Happily Ever After fairy tale way. It contains some ‘in’ jokes and also some references to Wexford, that for my international friends might be a bit tricky to get, but I’m so pleased that it’s been popular, because it was one of my favourites to write. We’re still living happily ever after too 😉
No. 4 Preschool Teacher By Day Superheroes By Night was written about my childrens childcare centre, before the scandal about creches in Ireland was exposed. But I was so pleased I had written it after hearing such negative press about creches, because while there is need for some serious intervention with many facilities around Ireland, there are so many amazing places like the Crossabeg Childcare Centre that do amazing work every day. End of.
No. 3 Twice Baked Pesto Potatoes quite frankly baffles me. But sure why am I surprised at how popular this post is? Us Irish LOVE our spuds, so I should have known that me writing about cooking potatoes would have droves of ye reading it. (This I think was my second post ever and it shows! lol)
No. 2. is no surprise to me. I’m Just A Minnie Looking For Her Mickey was a lot of fun to write and I knew as I hit publish that a lot of my Mummy friends would love it. If you’ve got a child who has ever looked at Disney Junior, you’ll know all about the Quest for the Crystal Mickey! This story was also picked up by the Pixar Daily News as I talked about some of the double ennuendos in the Toy Story Movies. It still gets views every day from somewhere in the world. Sure aren’t we all looking for our Mickey’s after all?
And are you ready for the No. 1 Post? Well my friends, the No. 1 post is one of my shortest ones, written very quickly one day when I needed to give myself a little talking to, as I was a bit fed up. Take A Deep Breath Its Just A Bad Day Not A Bad Life has resonated with many of you it seems and has had more shares than any other post I’ve written. It’s worth taking a peek at, if only for the very last photograph I placed at the end of the post.
So, there you go! All that’s left for me to say is
Chat soon, Carmel x
Happy 100th post day 🙂
Thanks Denise. It’s been fun. x
It has been fun for us, your followers too. Great blog x
Thanks Denise. Always lovely to get feedback. x
congratulations! I liked your second most popular one the best 🙂
I think a lot of people do! I have to confess its one of my favourites!
A fantastic achievement getting to 100 blogs posts. It a testament to your skill, creativity, and talent as a writer. Also, the hits your blog has received reflects the appeal that your style of writing has garnered. Congrats..
Oh My! Mr H that’s lovely. Love you x (I’m assuming you are my Mr H and not some random stranger!)
Beware of imposters and cheap imitations, there is only one Mr. H!
Thats for sure
Great post Carmel. I’m nearly to 100 posts too and when I reach that number, I’m going to follow in your footsteps and do the same top 10. Although mine may be a top 5!!!
It’s interesting to see which posts get the most interest isn’t it! Oh I hope Im in your top 5 😉