Hello lovely readers
Whether you are a fan of my books or here just to have a nose, thank you for stopping by. I know how busy life can be, so take five minutes and sit back to read some useless facts about me!
My childhood nickname was Cam. My adult nickname is HappyMrsH, which has become my username on social media! And in fairness, I do smile a lot. I wear my heart on my sleeve; you wouldn’t want me on your poker team. I love to sing and dance around the kitchen island. Not necessarily well, but in my head, I’m a Broadway star.
My first job was pumping fuel in a petrol station when I was eleven. I hated it, the smell being the worst. In my memory, it always rained when I was working; my hands were always cold. I have also worked as a waitress, babysitter, and horse groom on a part-time basis while I was in school to earn pocket money. My first full-time job was with Aer Lingus.
I overuse the word lovely. The way I see it, there can never be enough lovely in the world.
I won my first writing award when I was twelve in a national writing competition that my school principal, Master O’Shea, encouraged me to enter. I always dreamed of being a writer but never pursued this until I married Roger, who encouraged me to take a chance and give it a go. Over a decade later, I’ve never looked back. He likes that he was right. So do I.
I met my husband Roger, aka MrH, in Ron Blacks, a bar in Dublin. He won me over with his cheeky wit and old-world gentlemanly charm. We love each other a lot.
We have two children, Amelia and Nate, and a stepdaughter, Eva. I work hard not to be one bit evil. My children are my life.
I was born in London but moved to Wexford when I was ten. I also lived in Dublin for nearly twenty years and have happy memories there. It’s where I met MrH! But the pull to return home was strong, and we’ve been back in Wexford since 2010. Read more about this here. I think Wexford is the most beautiful county in Ireland. Okay, I might be biased.
I write around my children’s schedules, so I often survive on five or six hours of sleep. Speaking of sleep, I’m not Dr Carmel Harrington, the renowned Sleep Specialist. But I did meet her in 2023, and we became instant friends.
I survived an earthquake on the 27th floor of a hotel in the Philippines. I won’t lie; it was terrifying.
I am severely allergic to Mercury, as in swollen lips, tongue, and eyes.
I learned how to drive and passed my driving test all in the space of two weeks. Not much will stop me when I put my mind to doing something.
I spent my childhood horseriding. My pony was called Mr Bojangles, named after one of my favourite songs. I now live on the same road I trekked on every evening after school. I like that a lot. I named a character’s horse, Mr Bojangles, in honour of my lovely pony, in my novel, The Girl from Donegal.
My favourite family holiday destination is Orlando, Florida. My favourite city is New York.
I am wicked impatient. I self-published Beyond Grace’s Rainbow because I was too impatient to wait out the slush pile. See?
In the pursuit of an agent, I had forty-seven no’s. But as I always say, you only need one yes.
I credit my father for my imagination. His motto when telling tall stories is – never to let the truth get in the way of a good tale. I credit my mother for my love of books, who always read to me and my siblings as children.
I love Tayto crisps, or indeed any cheese and onion crisps, but Mr. Tayto stole my heart first.
My life motto is Family First, and also one borrowed from Dean Koontz’s Odd Thomas, Be happy Persevere.
I once did a parachute jump to raise money for the National Council of the Blind. Loved it. Will never do it again.
I flew around South Africa in a two-seater Cessna aircraft. The experience of a lifetime! Will never do it again!
I have two sisters and a brother – every childhood memory includes these beauties.
I’m a giraffe at 5′ 9″, so I’m used to people’s first reactions to me going something like this, ‘Oh, you’re tall.’ That never gets old.
I have an eye disease called Scleritis, which is painful and unpleasant when it flares up.
I cannot resist buying pretty notebooks – if they have an inspirational quote on the front, all the better.
My place of zen is Curracloe Beach.
I read a lot – I usually have a paperback, audio and Kindle book on the go simultaneously.
I have a thing about rose gold. My favourite piece is my grandmother Maggie’s wedding ring, which I wear daily. She’s my guardian angel.
I adore Oprah. She’s a clever one.
I am surrounded by the best of friends. If Carlsberg did friends …
I hope you enjoyed those silly bits of trivia about me. Thank you for your support. I love hearing from you and always read your lovely reviews, too. When you take the time to write one, it’s like giving me a little hug. If you haven’t read my books yet and want to discover more, you should head over here next!
Oh, and if you are an aspiring writer, I know how hard it is to get that first break, to get noticed by an agent or publisher. But honestly, I’m proof that it’s never too late to chase and catch your childhood dreams. I’ve never worked harder than I have since I started to write, but I’ve also never been happier.
Whatever your dreams are, don’t let them slip away. And head to HERE for some writing tips and inspiration from me.
Sending love to all,
Hi Carmel, a new follower here. Was recommended by the lovely ‘Looking for Blue Sky’ blogger and started snooping around your page as us inquisitive females can do at times and so far liking what I see 🙂 Just in the middle of setting up my page as soon aim to be no longer a blog virgin!
Bye for now, Congrats on the book and I’ll be back soon! Best regards, Ruth
Hey Ruth, thanks for stopping by! Oh I remember only too well what it’s like in the early days with blogging! It can seem daunting can’t it? When you are up and running, let me know and I’ll pop by! Thanks for the congrats and look forward to seeing you around 🙂
Oh and thank you ‘Looking for Blue Sky’ x
Hi Carmel. Love the new look! What a surprise when I clicked on the link today!
Thanks Tracy. Have been thinking about doing it for a while. I’m thrilled with how it turned out. X
Hi Carmel really enjoyed meeting you this evening at Enniscorthy Library – you are a fascinating lady with a real feel good story to tell – I so enjoyed being in your company and I am really looking forward to keeping in touch with you on facebook etc
Maria Nolan
Maria it was a pleasure to meet you and I really enjoyed our chat. We most certainly will keep in touch, lovely to meet a new friend. Thank you. Carmel
Carmel, I just finished Beyond Grace’s rainbow, it was beautiful
Thank you so much for stopping by and letting me know. And thank you for reading Graces story, Im thrilled you enjoyed it.
If you had a moment, I’d really appreciate a review on amazon if you could.
Hope you are having a lovely morning. Wet and grey here in Wexford. Carmel.