Shake it like a polaroid picture!

So this week I will finally get to share my news.  I’ve hinted to you all that its a coming soon and
as soon as I get the nod to say the press release is ready,  I will be shouting it from the rooftops, but in the meantime I thought it might be fun to share my photos from the recent photo-shoot I was on.

I had to get some media shots taken (all part of this news I have to share!!) so a photo-shoot was duly arranged last week.
Other than my wedding day, my knowledge of photo-shoots was pretty limited but how hard could it be? How hard indeed!
Roberto Forte was booked as my photographer and as I said in a previous post, this man is a genius. I cannot recommend him highly enough. Actually the photographs themselves will speak volumes for his talents and if you would like to see more of his work, click here! I did feel sorry for him though, as he had his work cut out with me! Start posing says he and I froze like a little bunny trapped in headlights. No one said anything about posing! I did my best and as I said, he’s a genius cos’ he managed to get some fabulous shots from this amateur model!

Sabine in Wells House and Gardens kindly agreed to let us use their amazing house as a backdrop for the photographs. I was so happy about this, as I am such a Downton Abbey superfan so I could close my eyes and pretend I was Lady Mary for a few hours! You really should make it a priority to visit this house if you haven’t already done so, its a great day out with so much to do, as recently shared by myself here! We got some lovely shots in the grounds that I really love…..



Now I’d love to pretend that I look like this every day, but I did enlist a lot of help and spent a few hours that morning at Donnas Hair studio and then then at Bridins Salon.
It was quite a change for me as I have become quite low maintenance these days, my idea of a spa treatment is having a shower when I get up! But in the expert hands of these lovely people they managed to make my skin flawless and my hair shiny and wavy, so much so I felt like I was in an advert for L’Oreal!

I love this black and white photo, it’s one of my favourites (expect to see it a lot!!!)


So despite having 5 or 6 gorgeous photos to choose from, the photo that I have chosen as my official author shot is……………


I’m holding a copy of Wuthering Heights in my hands and I think thats probably why I look so peaceful and content.  What a fabulous book.  The library in Wells House has a wonderful collection of books, I was like a child in a candy store!

Thanks for reading and chat soon,

Carmel x


  1. What an experience! I hope you’re swanning around like lady of the manor now. Lovely shots, Carmel.

  2. These are so beautiful Carmel! It would be difficult to choose. But I think the one you did is perfect!! Looking forward to sharing the good news soon.

  3. Fabulous photos, Carmel….Be fair, there’s only so much a photographer can do so you must already look great. Awaiting your news….

  4. Pingback: Goodbye 2013, it’s been quite a year! | carmelharrington author

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