A book review from Shaz’s Book Blog

A powerful debut novel, a book that will stay with me for a long time. I don’t recommend this book. I insist you read it, I promise you it won’t let you down.

Ceri, Shaz’s Book Boudoir

Sharon Wilden is the face behind the Book Reviewers Blog, Shaz’s Boudoir. I was delighted when Sharon and her team of book reviewers said they would review BGR and I am so grateful for their kind words. Thank you Ceri for your recommendation, it really is appreciated. This is a lovely book review blog and publishers have sent their books to Sharon for review, as her opinion is taken very seriously. So I am really delighted that BGR is now added to their Boudoir of Book Reviews. If you like books, then it’s worth checking this blog out!

Here’s what the review said :-

The last few reviews I’ve done for Sharon haven’t been very successful so for my next review book for her I wanted something good but I wasn’t expecting this!

All I can say about this book is ‘WOW’! I could easily do a three word review on this and it would be ‘Read it, now’! It’s a book of all extremes, you’ll either be crying with laughter or crying with sadness.

It revolves around Grace, a thirty-something single mum to Jack. Jack’s father is an alcoholic and although he provides for him, he hasn’t ever seen him. Grace, feeling unwell, goes to the Doctors where she’s diagnosed with leukemia. All her friends step in to help with Jack.

Her friends are a lively bunch, there’s Abby, an artist, desperate for love. Tom and Gerry (geddit?), the gay couple who are a delight to read about, Tom is the strong dependable type while Gerry is much more flambouyant. Then there’s Sean and Tara, a doctor and nurse respectively, they are trying for a baby.

This is a book that covers two emotive issues, cancer and adoption, on the cancer issue it just gives you enough medical information but without overwhelming you, you do get an excellent sense of what’s happening with Grace’s treatment. With the adoption issue, every case is different yet I found this was handled sensitively.

There’s so much I want to say about this book but won’t because I’ll give the plot away. The characters are all identifiable, all typical characters that you would find in a book like this. It focuses on strong friendship and how people help each other out when the chips are down.

A powerful debut novel, a book that will stay with me for a long time. I don’t recommend this book. I insist you read it, I promise you it won’t let you down.

Here is the full review and also a link to Shaz’s Boudoir Blog where there are lots of book reviews to help you choose your next book!


Sharon also recently interviewed me for her blog and here is the link to that.


Thank you Sharon and Ceri.


  1. Carmel,
    This is fantastic. You are getting such great reviews and that can only help get Beyond Grace’s Rainbow to print!! I’m thrilled to be working on this with you!

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