I can hardly believe how fast the days have flown in. On Thursday, The Woman at 72 Derry Lane will be published in Ireland, in Trade Paperback, and worldwide in eBook format!
As the graphic above says, you might need tissues for this one. And my lovely publisher has a packet of limited edition, Carmel Harrington, personalised tissues, just for the launches! All who attend and buy a book at either the Dublin or Wexford event, will get a pack. A bit of fun!
You are all invited to come along on the night, if you are free! Wine and lots of book chat on the night, with one or two surprises too!
The invitations for both launches are below. Please do come if you can get to Dublin or Wexford on the 15th or 16th.
Chat to you soon,
Carmel x
Congratulations Carmel. What a year you are having and it’s only half way through. Enjoy your launch.
Thankyou Tric. It really has been quite a rollercoaster. Hope to see you soon x